For further help and a DecAID Web site contact, please do the following:
Probably 99% of additional questions can be answered if you work through the following DecAID pages and the Frequently Asked Questions:
What is DecAID?
Caveats and Cautions
Statistical Basis for DecAID
and other links that are shown on the DecAID home page. Also, please be sure you have carefully read through the main summary narratives that appear when you Access DecAID. That too will answer many questions.
If you have additional questions or comments that simply cannot be answered by these pages, then the primary contact for the DecAID Advisor is:
Barbara Webb
Wildlife Biologist
DecAID Center of Excellence
Deschutes National Forest
USDA Forest Service
Bend, OR
PLEASE be sure to include "DecAID Question" in the subject line of any email with questions or comments.