Decayed Wood Advisor

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Details on species use of Snags from studies pertinent to Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Small/medium Trees

This table displays further details of the structural condition class, habitat, and geographic area of each set of data for each species. This table may include data not included in the cumulative species curves. Clicking on the species code will give a table with more information from that particular study, including a comments block with details on statistical analyses performed. PRINT TABLES IN LANDSCAPE.

Species CodeSpecies NameStructural Condition ClassWildlife Habitat TypeGeographic AreaCitation
AMMA American marten Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Lodgepole Pine Forests and Woodlands, Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest eastern slope Oregon Cascades Raphael and Jones 1997
AMMA American marten Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Montane Mixed Conifer Forest northeastern Oregon Bull and Heater 2000
AMMA American marten Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Montane Mixed Conifer Forest northeastern Oregon Bull and Heater 2000
AMMA American marten Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Lodgepole Pine Forests and Woodlands, Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest eastern slope Oregon Cascades Raphael and Jones 1997
AMMA American marten Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Lodgepole Pine Forests and Woodlands, Montane Mixed Conifer Forest NE Oregon Bull et al. 2005
AMMA American marten Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Lodgepole Pine Forests and Woodlands, Montane Mixed Conifer Forest NE Oregon Bull et al. 2005
BATS Bats (5species) Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. southern British Columbia Vonhof and Barclay 1997
BATS California myotis, long-eared myotis, long-legged myotis, big brown bat, silver-haired bat Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. Pend d'Oreille Valley, southeastern British Columbia, Canada Vonhof and Gwilliam 1999
BATS bats Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Lodgepole Pine Forests and Woodlands, Montane Mixed Conifer Forest, Ponderosa Pine Forest and Woodlands, Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest, Ponderosa Pine/White Oak Woodlands, Southwest Oregon Mixed Conifer-Hardwood Forest, Upland Aspen Forest, Western Juniper and Mountain Mahogany Woodlands, Westside Douglas-fir Forest, Westside Lowland Conifer-Hardwood Forest OR Coast, Westside Lowland Conifer-Hardwood Forest OR W Cascades, Westside Lowland Conifer-Hardwood Forest WA Coast, Westside Lowland Conifer-Hardwood Forest WA W Cascades, Westside Lowland Hardwood Forest, Westside White Oak/Douglas-fir Woodlands   Kalcounis-Ruppell et al. 2005
BBBA Big brown bat Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. Pend d'Oreille Valley, B.C. Vonhof 1996
BBBA Big brown bat Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Betts 1996
BBBA Big brown bat Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. southeastern British Columbia, Canada Vonhof 1999
BBWO Black-backed woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. east central Washington Cascades Bevis 1994
BBWO Black-backed woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Lodgepole Pine Forests and Woodlands Central Oregon Cascades Goggans et al. 1988
BBWO Black-backed woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1980
BBWO Black-backed woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Lodgepole Pine Forests and Woodlands Central Oregon Cascades Goggans et al. 1988
BBWO Black-backed woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Lodgepole Pine Forests and Woodlands Central Oregon Cascades Goggans et al. 1988
BBWO Black-backed woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1980
BBWO Black-backed woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Nielsen-Pincus 2005; Nielsen-Pincus and Garton 2007
BBWO Black-backed woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Nielsen-Pincus 2005; Nielsen-Pincus and Garton 2007
BCCH Black-capped chickadee Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NW Montana McClelland et al. 1979
BLBE Black bear Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NE Oregon Akenson et al. 1997
BLBE Black bear Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NE Oregon Bull et al. 2000
BLBE Black bear Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NE Oregon Bull et al. 2000
BRCR Brown creeper Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NW Montana McClelland et al. 1979
BRCR Brown creeper Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. south central British Columbia Steeger and Machmer 1995
BTWR Bushy-tailed woodrat Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest eastern Washington Cascades Lehmkuhl et al. 2006
CAMY California myotis Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. southeastern British Columbia, Canada Vonhof and Gwilliam 1999
CAMY California myotis Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. Pend d'oreille Valley, British Columbia Brigham et al. 1997
CAMY California myotis Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. southern British Columbia Brigham et al. 1997
CAMY California myotis Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. southern British Columbia Vonhoff and Gwilliam 2007
CNB Cavity-nesting birds Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. north central Washington Madsen 1985
CNB Cavity-nesting birds Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. south-central British Columbia Martin et al. 2004
FLOW Flammulated owl Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. southcentral Idaho Powers et al. 1996
FLOW Flammulated owl Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull et al. 1990
FLOW Flammulated owl Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Goggans 1986
GOEY Goldeneye Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NW Montana McClelland et al. 1979
HAWO Hairy woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NW Montana McClelland et al. 1979
HAWO Hairy woodpecker Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. east central Washington Cascades Bevis 1994
HAWO Hairy woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1980
HAWO Hairy woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1980
HAWO Hairy woodpecker Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. north central Washington Madsen 1985
LEMY Long-eared myotis Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. southeastern British Columbia, Canada Vonhof and Gwilliam 1999
LLMY Long-legged myotis Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. eastslope Washington Cascades. Upper White Salmon River, near Troutlake, WA Taylor unpublished data
LLMY Long-legged myotis Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest eastern Washington Cascades Frazier 1997
LLMY Long-legged myotis Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. eastslope Washington Cascades. Upper White Salmon River, near Troutlake, WA Taylor unpublished data
LLMY Long-legged myotis Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. southeastern British Columbia, Canada Vonhof and Gwilliam 1999
MOCH Mountain chickadee Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NW Montana McClelland et al. 1979
NFSQ Northern flying squirrel Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. East-central Washington Cascades (Yakama Reservation) Bevis and King 2005
NOFL Northern flicker Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. north central Washington Madsen 1985
NOFL Northern flicker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1980
NOFL Northern flicker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NW Montana McClelland et al. 1979
NOFL Northern flicker Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. east central Washington Cascades Bevis 1994
NOFL Northern flicker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1980
NPOW Northern pygmy owl Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NE Oregon Bull et al. 1987
NUCH Nuthatches and chickadees Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. south central British Columbia Steeger and Machmer 1995
PCE Primary excavators Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. east central Washington Cascades Bevis 1994
PCE Primary excavators Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. north central Washington Madsen 1985
PCE Primary excavators Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. east central Washington Cascades Bevis 1994
PCE Primary excavators Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. east central Washington Cascades Bevis 1994
PCE Primary excavators Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. east central Washington Cascades Bevis 1994
PCE Primary excavators Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. south central British Columbia Steeger and Machmer 1995
PCE Primary excavators Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. north central Washington Madsen 1985
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1987
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1975
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. north central Washington Madsen 1985
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1975
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. north central Washington Madsen 1985
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1987
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. western Montana McClelland and McClelland 1999
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. western Montana McClelland and McClelland 1999
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1980
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1987
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. north central Washington Madsen 1985
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1975
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1980
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NE Oregon Bull 1987
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NE Oregon Bull and Holthausen 1993
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1975
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NE Oregon Bull 2001
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Nielsen-Pincus 2005; Nielsen-Pincus and Garton 2007
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Nielsen-Pincus 2005; Nielsen-Pincus and Garton 2007
PIWO Pileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NE Oregon Bull et al. 2005
PIWO Piileated woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest northeast Oregon Bull et al. 2007
PYNU Pygmy nuthatch Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Nielsen-Pincus 2005
PYNU Pygmy nuthatch Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Nielsen-Pincus 2005
RBNU Red-breasted nuthatch Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. southeast British Columbia Steeger and Hitchcock 1998
RBNU Red-breasted nuthatch Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. southeast British Columbia Steeger and Hitchcock 1998
RBNU Red-breasted nuthatch Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. north central Washington Madsen 1985
RBNU Red-breasted nuthatch Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. east central Washington Cascades Bevis 1994
RBNU Red-breasted nuthatch Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NW Montana McClelland et al. 1979
RNSA Red-naped sapsucker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1980
SHBA Silver-haired bat Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. Selkirk Mountains, NE Washington Campbell 1993
SHBA Silver-haired bat Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NE Oregon Betts 1996; Betts 1998
SHBA Silver-haired bat Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. Selkirk Mountains, NE Washington Campbell 1993
SHBA Silver-haired bat Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. Selkirk Mountains, NE Washington Campbell 1993
SHBA Silver-haired bat Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. Selkirk Mountains, NE Washington Campbell 1993
SHBA Silver-haired bat Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. Pend d'Oreille Valley, B.C. Vonhof 1996
SHBA Silver-haired bat Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. southeastern British Columbia, Canada Vonhof 1999
SQUIR Squirrels Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. south central British Columbia Steeger and Machmer 1995
TTWO Three-toed woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Lodgepole Pine Forests and Woodlands, Montane Mixed Conifer Forest Central Oregon Cascades Goggans et al. 1988
TTWO Three-toed woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NE Oregon Bull 1980
TTWO Three-toed woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1980
TTWO Three-toed woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Lodgepole Pine Forests and Woodlands, Montane Mixed Conifer Forest Central Oregon Cascades Goggans et al. 1988
TTWO Three-toed woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Lodgepole Pine Forests and Woodlands, Montane Mixed Conifer Forest Central Oregon Cascades Goggans et al. 1988
WBNU White-breasted nuthatch Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. north central Washington Madsen 1985
WHWO White-headed woodpecker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. eastern Cascades, Oregon Frenzel unpublished data
WHWO White-headed woodpecker Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest east-slope Oregon Cascades Dixon 1995
WHWO White-headed woodpecker Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest east-slope Oregon Cascades Dixon 1995
WHWO White-headed woodpecker Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest eastern Cascades, Oregon Frenzel 1999
WHWO White-headed woodpecker Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest central Oregon Frenzel 2004
WHWO White-headed woodpecker Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest central Oregon Frenzel 2002
WISA Williamson's sapsucker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Bull 1980
WISA Williamson's sapsucker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest south-central British Columbia Gyug et al. 2009
WISA Williamson's sapsucker Larger Trees, Open Canopy, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. north central Washington Madsen 1985
WISA Williamson's sapsucker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. NW Montana McClelland et al. 1979
WISA Williamson's sapsucker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Nielsen-Pincus 2005; Nielsen-Pincus and Garton 2007
WISA Williamson's sapsucker Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Oregon Nielsen-Pincus 2005; Nielsen-Pincus and Garton 2007
WOPE Woodpeckers Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts., Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir Forest NE Washington Cascades Lyons et al. 2008
WOPE Woodpeckers Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest E Cascades/Blue Mnts., Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest N Cascades/Rocky Mnts. south central British Columbia Steeger and Machmer 1995