Species codes, common names, and scientific names of species referred to in DecAID
Species Code | Common
Name |
Name |
ACWO | Acorn woodpecker | Melanerpes formicivorus |
AMKE | American kestrel | Falco sparverius |
AMMA | American marten | Martes americana |
ANTS | Ant species | VARIOUS |
BBBA | Big brown bat | Eptesicus fuscus |
BBWO | Black-backed woodpecker | Picoides arcticus |
BCCH | Black-capped chickadee | Parus atricapillus |
BLBE | Black bear | Ursus americanus |
BOOW | Boreal owl | Aegolius funereus |
BRCR | Brown creeper | Certhia americana |
BRYO | Bryophytes | ![]() |
BTWR | Bushy-tailed woodrat | Neotoma cinerea |
BUHE | Bufflehead | Bucephala albeola |
CAAS | Cavity associates | VARIOUS |
CAMY | California myotis | Myotis californicus |
CBCH | Chestnut-backed chickadee | Parus rufescens |
CHICK | Chickadees | Parus spp. |
CLSA | Clouded salamander | Aneides ferreus |
CNB | Cavity nesting birds | VARIOUS |
COME | Common merganser | Mergus merganser |
COMO | Coast mole | Scapanus orarius |
CRIC | Cricket | Arthropod |
CRVO | Creeping vole | Microtus oregoni |
CSSA | California slender salamander | Batrachoseps attenuatus |
DEMO | Deer mouse | Peromyscus maniculatus |
DNSA | Del Norte salamander | Plethodon elongatus |
DOSQ | Douglas squirrel | Tamiasciurus douglasii |
DOWO | Downy woodpecker | Picoidies pubescens |
DUSA | Dunn's salamander | Plethodon dunni |
DUSH | Dusky shrew | Sorex monticolus |
ENSA | Ensatina | Ensatina eschscholtzii |
ERMI | Ermine | Mustela erminea |
EUST | European starling | Sturnus vulgaris |
FISH | Fisher | Martes pennanti |
FLOW | Flammulated owl | Otus flammeolus |
FOSH | Fog shrew | Sorex sonomae |
FRMY | Fringed myotis | Myotis thysanodes |
FUNGI | Ectomycorrhizae & Hypogeous fungi | VARIOUS |
GMGS | Golden-mantled ground squirrel | Spermophilus lateralis |
GOEY | Goldeneye | Bucephala spp. |
GOSN | Gopher snake | Pituophis catenifer |
HAWO | Hairy woodpecker | Picoides villosus |
HOWR | House wren | Troglodytes aedon |
LANT | Ants (carpenter and formica) | Camponotus spp. & Formica spp. |
LBMY | Little brown myotis | Myotis lucifugus |
LEMY | Long-eared myotis | Myotis evotis |
LEWO | Lewis woodpecker | Melanerpes lewis |
LICHEN | Various species | VARIOUS |
LLMY | Long-legged myotis | Myotis volans |
LTSA | Long-toed salamander | Ambystoma macrodactylum |
LTVO | Long-tailed vole | Microtus longicaudus |
LYNX | Lynx | Lynx canadensis |
MOBE | Mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa |
MOBL | Mountain bluebird | Sialia currucoides |
MOCH | Mountain chickadee | Parus gambeli |
MOVO | Montane vole | Microtus montanus |
NFSQ | Northern flying squirrel | Glaucomys sabrinus |
NOFL | Northern flicker | Colaptes auratus |
NGHA | Northern goshawk | Accipitergentilis |
NPOW | Northern pygmy-owl | Glaucidium gnoma |
NSWO | Northern saw-whet owl | Aegolius acadicus |
NUCH | Nuthatches and chickadees | VARIOUS |
NWDM | Northwestern deer mouse | ![]() |
NWGS | Northwestern garter snake | Thamnophis ordinoides |
NWSA | Northwestern salamander | Ambystoma gracile |
OSSA | Oregon slender salamander | Batrachoseps wrighti |
PABA | Pallid bat | Antrozous pallidus |
PASH | Pacific shrew | Sorex pacificus |
PCE | Primary cavity excavators | VARIOUS |
PGSA | Pacific giant salamander | Dicamptodon tenebrosus |
PIWO | Pileated woodpecker | Dryocopus pileatus |
PJMO | Pacific jumping mouse | Zapus trinotatus |
PLETH | Plethodontid salamanders | Plethodon sp. |
PTFR | Pacific tree frog | Pseudacris regilla |
PWSH | Pacific water shrew | Sorex bendirii |
PYNU | Pygmy nuthatch | Sitta pygmaea |
PYSH | Pygmy shrew | Sorex hoyi |
RBNU | Red-breasted nuthatch | Sitta canadensis |
RBSA | Red-breasted sapsucker | Sphyrapicus ruber |
RNSA | Red-naped sapsucker | Sphyrapicus nuchalis |
RSNE | Roughskin newt | Taricha granulosa |
RTVO | Red tree vole | Phenacomys longicaudus |
RUGR | Ruffed grouse | Bonasa umbellus |
SALI | Southern alligator lizard | Elgaria multicarinata |
SANT | Ants (small) | VARIOUS |
SCNB | Secondary cavity-nesting birds | VARIOUS |
SHBA | Silver-haired bat | Lasionycteris noctivagans |
SHMO | Shrew-mole | Neurotrichus gibbsii |
SMMA | Small mammals | VARIOUS |
SNAIL | Snail | Haplotrema |
SPFR | Oregon spotted frog | Rana pretiosa |
SPOW | Spotted owl | Strix occidentalis |
SQUIR | Squirrels | VARIOUS |
SRBV | Southern red-backed vole | Clethrionomys gapperi |
SSHY | Sapsucker hybrid | Sphyrapicus ruber X S. nuchalis |
TOCH | Townsend's chipmunk | Tamias townsendii |
TOVO | Townsend's vole | Microtus townsendii |
TRSH | Trowbridge's shrew | Sorex trowbridgii |
TRSW | Tree swallow | Tachycineta bicolor |
TTWO | Three-toed woodpecker | Picoides tridactylus |
VASH | Vagrant shrew | Sorex vagrans |
VASW | Vaux's swift | Chaetura vauxi |
VDSA | Van Dyke's salamander | Plethodon vandykei |
VGSW | Violet-green swallow | Tachycineta thalassina |
WAVO | Water vole | Microtus richardsonii |
WBNU | White-breasted nuthatch | Sitta carolinensis |
WEBL | Western bluebird | Sialia mexicana |
WFLI | Western fence lizard | Sceloporus occidentalis |
WFVO | White-footed vole | Phenacomys albipes |
WHWO | White-headed woodpecker | Picoides albolarvatus |
WISA | Williamson's sapsucker | Sphyrapicus thyroideus |
WIWR | Winter wren | Troglodytes troglodytes |
WJMO | Western jumping mouse | Zapus princeps |
WOPE | Woodpeckers | VARIOUS |
WPGO | Western pocket gopher | Thomomys mazama |
WRBV | Western red-backed vole | Clethrionomys californicus |
WRSA | Western redback salamander | Plethodon vehiculum |
WSSK | Western spotted skunk | Spilogale gracilis |