DecAID Literature List
J.K. 1993. Fire
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Agee, J.K. 1998. The landscape ecology of western forest fire regimes. Northwest Science 72 (special issue):24-34.
Agee, James K. 2002. Fire as a coarse filter for snags and logs. In: Laudenslayer,
William F., Jr.; Valentine, Brad; Weatherspoon, C. Philip; Lisle, Thomas E.,
technical coordinators. Proceedings of the symposium on the ecology and management
of dead wood in western forests. 1999 November 2-4; Reno, NV. Gen. Tech. Rep.
PSW-GTR-181. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service,
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Akenson, J.J., Mark G. Henjum, and D.W. Carroll. 1997. Denning ecology of
black bear in the Blue Mountains of northeast Oregon. Sixth Western Black
Bear Workshop, Ocean Shores, WA.
Alkaslassy, Edmond. 2005. Abundance of Plethodontid salamaders in relation to coarse woody debris in low elevation mixed forest of the western Cascades. Northwest Science 79(2-3):156-163.
Amaranthus, M. P., D. S. Parrish, and D. A. Perry. 1989. Decaying logs as
moisture reservoirs after drought and wildfire. (pp. 191-194) In: E. Alexander
(Ed.). Stewardship of soil, air and water resources. Wathershed 89. R10-MB-77.
USDA Forest Service, Region 10, Juneau, Alaska.
Amaranthus, M. P., D. Page-Dumroese, A. Harvey, E. Cazares, and L. F. Bednar.
1996. Soil compaction and organic matter affect conifer seedling nonmycorrhizal
and ectomycorrhizal root tip abundance and diversity. USDA Forest Service
Research Paper PNW-RP-494. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research
Station, Portland OR. 12 pp.
Amaranthus, M. and D. Pilz. 1996. Productivity and sustainable harvest of
wild mushrooms. Pp. 42-61 in D. Pilz and R. Molina, eds. Managing forest ecosystems
to conserve fungus diversity and sustain wild mushroom harvests. Gen. Tech.
Rep. PNW-GTR-371. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research
Station. 104 p.
Amaranthus, M. P., and D. E. Steinfeld. 1997. Soil compaction after yarding
of small-diameter Douglas-fir with a small tractor in southwest Oregon. Research
Paper PNW-RP-504. USDA Forest Service, Portland OR. 7 pp.
Amaranthus, M., J.M. Trappe, L. Bendar, and D.Arthur. 1994. Hypogeous fungal
production in mature Douglas-fir forest fragments and surrounding plantations
and its relation to coarse woody debris and animal mycophagy. Canadian Journal of Forest
Research 24:2157-2165.
Arnett, Edward B. 2007. Presence, relative abundance, and resource selection
of bats in managed forest landscapes in western Oregon. PhD Dissertation.
Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. 223 pp.
Arnett, Edward B., John P. Hayes. 2009. Use of conifer snags as roosts by female bates in western Oregon. Journal of Wildlife Management 73(2):214-225.
Aubry, Keith B. 2000. Amphibians in managed, second-growth Douglas-fir forests.
Journal of Wildlife Management 64(4):1041-1052.
Aubry, K.B., and C.M. Raley. 2002. Selection of nest and roost trees by pileated
woodpeckers in coastal forests of Washington. Journal of Wildlife Management 66(2):392-406.
Aubry, Keith B., and P.A. Hall. 1991. Terrestrial amphibian communities in
the southern Washington Cascade Range. pp 327-338 in Ruggiero, Leonard
F., Keith B. Aubry, Andrew B. Carey, and Mark H. Huff., tech. coords. Wildlife
and vegetation of unmanaged Douglas-fir forests. USDA, Forest Service, PNW
Research Station, PNW-GTR-285, Portland, OR.
Aubry, Keith B., L.L.C. Jones, and P.A.Hall. 1988. Use of woody debris by
Plethodontid salamanders in Douglas-fir forests in Washington. pp 32-37 in Szaro, Robert C., Kieth E. Severson, and David R.Patton, tech. coords. Management
of amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals in North America- proceedings of
the symposium. USDA, Forest Service, GTR-RM-166. Fort Collins, CO.
Aubry, Keith B., M.J. Crites, and S.D. West. 1991. Regional patterns of small
mammal abundance and community composition in Oregon and Washington. pp 285-294 in Ruggiero, Leonard F., Keith B. Aubry, Andrew B. Carey, and Mark
H. Huff., tech. coords. Wildlife and vegetation of unmanaged Douglas-fir forests.
USDA, Forest Service, PNW Research Station, PNW-GTR-285, Portland, OR.
Baker, Michael D. and Michael J. Lacki. 2006. Day-roosting
habitat of female long-legged myotis in ponderosa pine forests. Journal of Wildlife
Management 70(1):207-215.
Baker, Michael D., Michael J. Lacki, Greg A. Falxa, and P. Lee Droppelman, Ryan A. Slack, and Scott A. Slankard. 2008. Habitat use of pallid bats in conifereous forests of northern California. Northwest Science 82(4):269-275.
Baker, W.L., and D. Ehle. 2001. Uncertainty in surface-fire history: the case of ponderosa pine forests in the western United States. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31:1205-1226.
Bakker, J.J. and K. Hastings. 2002. Den trees used by northern flying squirrels
(Glaucomys sabrinus) in southeastern Alaska. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80(9):1623-1633.
Barclay, Robert M.R., and R. Mark Brigham. 2001. Year-to-year reuse of tree-roosts
by California bats (Myotis californicus) in southern British Columbia.
American Midland Naturalist 146(1):80-85.
Bate, L.J. 1995. Monitoring woodpecker abundance and habitat in the central
Oregon Cascades. M.S. Thesis. Univ. Idaho, Moscow. 116 pp.
Bate, Lisa J. 2001. Effects of fire on cavity nesting birds. Unpublished Report
on file. USDA Forest Service, Portland, OR. 26 pp.
Bate, Lisa J. 2001. Woodpeckers and their habitat use in the Columbia River
Basin Region: A literature review. Unpublished Report on file. USDA Forest
Service, Portland, OR. 69 pp.
Bate, Lisa J., and Vicki Saab. 2005. Birds and burns network pre-treatment
vegetation analysis snags, stumps and trees. Progress Report. 109 pp.
Bate, Lisa J., Torolf R. Torgersen, Edward O. Garton, and Michael J. Wisdom.
2002. Accuracy and efficiency of methods to sample logs for wildlife research
and management. pp. 817-822 In: Laudenslayer, William F., Jr.; Valentine,
Brad; Weatherspoon, C. Philip; Lisle, Thomas E., technical coordinators. Proceedings
of the symposium on the ecology and management of dead wood in western forests.
1999 November 2-4; Reno, NV. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-181. Albany, CA: Pacific
Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Bate, L.J.; Torgersen, T.R.; Wisdom, M.J.; Garton, E.O.; Clabough, S.C. 2008. Log sampling methods and software for stand and landscape analyses. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-746. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 93 p.
Bate, L.J.; Torgersen, T.R.; Wisdom, M.J.; Garton, E.O.; Clabough, S.C. 2008. SnagPRO: Snag and tree sampling and analysis methods for wildlife. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-780. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 80 p.
Bennetts, R.E., G.C. White, F.G. Hawksworth, and S.E. Severs. 1996. The influence
of dwarf mistletoe on bird communities in Colorado ponderosa pine forests.
Ecological Applications 6(3):899-909.
Beschta, Robert L., Jonathan J. Rhodes, J. Boone Kauffman, Robert E. Gresswell,
G. Wayne Minshall, James R. Karr, David A. Perry, E. Richard Hauer, and Christopher
A. Frissell. 2004. Postfire management on forested public lands of the western
United States. Conservation Biology 18(4):957-967.
Betts, B.J. 1998. Roosts used by maternity colonies of silver-haired bats
in northeastern Oregon. Journal of Mammology 79:643-650.
Betts, B.J. 1996. Roosting behavior of silver-haired bats (Lasionycteris
noctivagans) and big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) in Northeast
Oregon. Pp 55-61. in Barclay, R.M. and R.M. Brigham, editors. Bats
and forests symposium, October 19-21, 1995, Victoria, B.C., Canada. Res. Br.,
B.C. Min. For., Victoria B.C. Working Paper 23/1996.
Bevis, K.R. 1994. Primary cavity-excavator birds in managed and unmanaged
grand fir forest habitats of central Washington's east Cascades. M.S. Thesis.
Central Washington Univ., Yakima, WA. 141 pp.
Bevis, Kenneth R., and Gina King. 2005. Northern flying squirrel winter den
sites on the Yakama Reservation, Washington. Presented at WA TWS meetings.
Blessing, B.J., E.P. Phenix, L.L.C. Jones, and Martin G. Raphael. 1999. Nests
of VanDyke's salamander (Plethodon vandykei) from the Olympic Peninsula, Washington.
Northwestern Naturalist 80:77-81.
Bock, C.E. 1970. The ecology and behavior of the Lewis woodpecker (Asyndesmus
lewis). Univ. Calif. Publ. in Zool. First ed. Vol. 92. Berkeley, Univ.
California Press. 100 pp.
Bock, C.E. and J.H. Bock. 1974. On the geographical ecology and evolution
of the three-toed woodpeckers, Picoides tridactylus and P. arcticus.
American Midland Naturalist 92(2):397-405.
Thomas W. 2006. Nesting ecology of black-backed woodpeckers in mountain pine
beetle infestations in the Black Hills, South Dakota. MS Thesis. Univ. Missouri-Columbia,
Columbia, Missouri, 77 pp.
Bowman, J. C., D. Sleep, G. J. Forbes, and M. Edwards. 2000. The association
of small mammals with coarse woody debris at log and stand scales. Forest
Ecology and Management 129(1-3):119-124.
Brett, T.A. 1998. Habitat associations of woodpeckers at multiple scales in
managed forests of the southern Oregon Cascades. M.S. Thesis, Oregon State
Univ., Corvallis.
Brigham, R.M., M.J. Vonhof, R.M.R. Barclay, and J.C. Gwilliam. 1997. Roosting
behavior and roost-site preferences of forest-dwelling California bats (Myotis
californicus). Journal of Mammology 78:1231-1239.
Brown, James K., Elizabeth D. Reinhardt, and Kylie A. Kramer. 2003. Coarse
woody debris: Managing benefits and fire hazard in the recovering forest.
Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS_GTR-105. Ogden UT. USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain
Research Station. 16p.
Buchanan, J.B., J.C. Lewis, D.J. Pierce, E.D. Forsman, Brian L. Biswell. 1999.
Characteristics of young forests used by spotted owls on the western Olympic
Peninsula, Washington. Northwest Science 73(4):255-263.
Buchanan, Joseph B., Russell E. Rogers, D. John Pierce, and John E. Jacobson. 2003. Nest-site habitat use by white-headed woodpeckers in the eastern Cascade Mountains, Washington. Northwestern Naturalist 84:119-128.
Buhler, Matt L., and Stanley H. Anderson. 2001. Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus)
drumming log and habitat use in Grand Teton National Park,
Wyoming. Western North American Naturalist 61(2):236-240.
Bull, Evelyn L. Unpublished Data. On file at USDA Forest Service Forest and
Range Sciences Lab., LaGrande, OR.
Bull, E.L. 2001. Survivorship of pileated woodpeckers in northeastern Oregon.
Journal of Field Ornithology 72(1):131-135.
Evelyn L., Abe A. Clark, and Jay F. Shepherd. 2005. Short-term effects of
fuel reduction on pileated woodpeckers in northeastern Oregon - a pilot study.
PNW-RP-564, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland,
Oregon. 17 pp.
Bull, Evelyn L., Thad W. Heater, and Jay F. Shepard. 2005 Habitat selection
by the American marten in northeastern Oregon. Northwest Science 79(1):37-43.
Bull, Evelyn L., and T.W. Heater. 2000. Resting and denning sites of American
martens in northeastern Oregon. Northwest Science 74(3):179-185.
Bull, Evelyn L. 1998. Progress report: diet and habitat use by black bears
in northeastern Oregon. USDA Forest Service, PNW Research Station, LaGrande,
Bull, Evelyn L. 1991. Summer roosts and roosting behavior of Vaux’s
swifts in old-growth forests. Northwestern Naturalist. 72:78-82.
Bull, Evelyn L. 1987. Ecology of the pileated woodpecker in northeastern Oregon.
Journal of Wildlife Management 51(2):472-481.
Bull, Evelyn L. 1983. Longevity of snags and their use by woodpeckers. in
Davis, J.W., G.A. Goodwin, and R.A. Ockenfels, tech. coords. Snag habitat
management: proceedings of the symposium. USDA Forest Service, GTR-RM-99.,
Rocky Mnt. For. Range Exp. St., Fort Collins, CO.
Bull, Evelyn L. 1980. Resource partitioning among woodpeckers in northeastern
Oregon. Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Idaho, Moscow. 109 pp.
Bull, Evelyn L. 1975. Habitat utilization of the pileated woodpecker, Blue
Mountains, Oregon. M.S. Thesis, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. 58 pp.
Bull, Evelyn L., A.L. Wright, and Mark G. Henjum. 1990. Nesting habitat of
flammulated owls in Oregon. Journal of Raptor Research 24:52-55.
Bull, Evelyn L., and H.D. Cooper. 1991. Vaux's swift nests in hollow trees.
Western Birds 22:85-91.
Bull, Evelyn L., and Janet E. Hohmann. 1993. The association between Vaux's
swifts and old growth forests in northeastern Oregon. Western Birds 24:38-42.
Bull, Evelyn L., Catherine G. Parks, and Torolf R. Torgersen. 1997. Trees
and logs important to wildlife in the interior Columbia River Basin. USDA
Forest Service, PNW Research Station, Portland, OR. PNW-GTR-391. 55 pp.
Evelyn L., Janet E. Hohmann, and Mark G. Henjum. 1987. Northern pygmy-owl
nests in northeastern Oregon. Journal of Raptor Research 21:77-78.
Bull, Evelyn L., James J. Akenson, and Mark G. Henjum. 2000. Characteristics
of black bear dens in trees and logs in northeastern Oregon. Northwestern Naturalist
Bull, Evelyn L., Richard S. Holthausen, and Mark G. Henjum. 1992. Roost trees
used by pileated woodpeckers in northeastern Oregon. Journal of Wildlife Management 56:786-793.
Bull, Evelyn L., Torolf R. Torgersen, Arlene K. Blumton, Carol M. McKenzie,
and Dave S. Wyland. 1995. Treatment of an old-growth stand and its effects
on birds, ants, and large woody debris: A case study. USDA Forest Service,
PNW Research Station. PNW-GTR-353. 12 pp.
Bull, Evelyn L., and Richard S. Holthausen. 1993. Habitat use and management
of pileated woodpeckers in Northeastern Oregon. Journal of Wildlife Management 57(2):335-345.
Bunnell, Fred L., Toby Spribille, Isabelle Houde, Trevor Goward, and Curtis Bjork. 2008. Lichens on down wood in logged and unlogged forest stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38:1033-1041.
Bury, R.B., and P.S. Corn. 1988. Douglas-fir forests in the Oregon and Washington
Cascades: Relation of the herptofauna to stand age and moisture. pp11-22 in Szaro, Robert C., Kieth E. Severson, and David R.Patton, tech. coords. Management
of amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals in North America- proceedings of
the symposium. USDA, Forest Service, GTR-RM-166. Fort Collins, CO.
Buskirk, S.W., S.C Forrest, Martin G. Raphael, and H.J. Harlow. 1989. Winter
resting site ecology of marten in the central Rocky Mountains. Journal of Wildlife Management
Butts, Sally R. , and William C. McComb. 2000. Association of forest-floor
vertebrates with coarse woody debris in managed forests of western Oregon.
Journal of Wildlife Management 64(1):95-104.
Butts, Sally R. 1997. Associations of forest floor vertebrates with coarse
woody debris in managed forests, Western Oregon Cascades. M.S. Thesis. Oregon
State Univ., Corvallis. 60 pp.
Cahall, Rebecca E. 2007. Influences of salvage logging on forest birds after fire in the eastern Cascades, Oregon. M.S. Thesis. Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. 132 pp.
Cahall, Rebecca E., and John P. Hayes. 2009. Influences of postfire salvage logging on forest birds in the Eastern Cascades, Oregon, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 257:1119-1128.
Call, D.R., R.J. Gutierrez, and J. Verner. 1992. Foraging habitat and home-range
characteristics of California spotted owls in the Sierra Nevada. Condor 94:880-888.
Campbell, L.A. 1993. Bat diversity and habitat use in managed forets of northeastern
Washington. MS Thesis. Washington State Univ., Pullman. 37pp.
Campbell, L.A., J.G. Hallett, and M.A. O'Connell. 1996.Conservation of bats
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Mammology 77:976-984.
Campbell, S., and L.Kiegel, tech cords. 1996. Disturbance and forest health
in Oregon and Washington. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-381. Portland, OR: USDA
Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region; Oregon Department of Forestry, Washington
Dept. of Natural Resources. 105 p.
Cannon, Michelle. 2008. unpublished data, on file Portland, Oregon
Cannon, Michelle M. D. 2011. The use of burned forest by breeding birds following the Biscuit Fire in southwest Oregon. PhD Dissertation, Oregon State University, Corvallis, 221 pp.
Andrew B., and M.L. Johnson. 1995. Small mammals in managed, naturally young,
and old-growth forests. Ecological Applications 5:336-352.
Carey, Andrew B., and Constance A. Harrington. 2001. Small mammals in young
forests: implications for management for sustainability. Forest Ecology and
Management 154:289-309.
Carey, Andrew B., Catherine Elliott, Bruce R. Lippke, John Sessions, Charles
J. Chambers, Chadwick D. Oliver, Jerry F. Franklin, Martin G. Raphael. 1996.
A pragmatic, ecological approach to small landscape management: final report
of the biodiversity pathways working group of the WA Forest Landscape Management
Proj., Rpt. 2, WA DNR, Olympia, 150 pp.
Carey, Andrew B., Janet Kershner, Brian L. Biswell, and Laura Dominguez de
Toledo. 1999. Ecological scale and forest development: squirrels, dietary
fungi, and vascular plants in managed and unmanaged forests. Wildlife Mongraphs
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of northern flying squirrels in the Pacific Northwest. Journal of Wildlife Management 61(3):684-699.
Carey, A.J. 1995. Sciurids in Pacific Northwest managed and old-growth forests.
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Carter, D.W. 1993. The importance of seral stage and coarse woody debris to
the abundance and distribution of deer mice on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
M.S. Thesis, Simon Fraser Univ., B.C., 105 pp.
Caton, Elaine L. 1996. Effects of fire and salvage logging on the cavity-nesting
bird community in northwestern Montana. Ph.D. Dissertation. Univ. Montana,
Missoula. 115 pp.
Chambers, Carol L., T. Carrigan, T.E. Sabin, John Tappeiner, and William C.
McComb. 1997. Use of artificially created Douglas-fir snags by cavity-nesting
birds. West. Journal of Applied Forestery 12:93-97.
Chappell, Christopher B., Rex C. Crawford, Charley Barrett, Jimmy Kagan, David
H. Johnson, Mikel O’Mealy, Greg A. Green, Howard L. Ferguson, W. Daniel
Edge, Eva L. Greda, and Thomas A. O’Neil. 2001. Wildlife habitats: Descriptions,
status, trends, and system dynamics. Pp. 22-114 in: D.H. Johnson and T. A.
O'Neil, ed. Wildlife-habitat relationships in Oregon and Washington. Oregon
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Childs, T.W. 1963. Poria weirii root rot. Phytopathology. 53:1124-1127.
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Ant, Camponotus vicinus (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Northern
Idaho. Environmental Entomology 31(6):1037-1042.
Clarkson, D.A., and L. Scott Mills. 1994. Hypogeous sporocarps in forest remnants
and clearcuts in southwest Oregon. Northwest Science 68(4):259-265.
Cline, S.P., A.B. Berg, and H.M Wight. 1980. Snag characteristics and dynamics
in Douglas-fir forests, western Oregon. Journal of Wildlife Management 44:773-786.
Conway, C.J., and T.E. Martin. 1993. Habitat suitability for Williamson's
sapsuckers in mixed-conifer forests. Journal of Wildlife Management 57:322-328.
Corkran, Char C., Joan C. Hagar, and David J. Vesely. 1997. Microhabitat selection
by Oregon slender salamanders (Batrachoseps wrighti) in the western
Oregon Cascades. 1997 Project Rpt., Contract NG 97-1-04, Oregon Department
Fish and Wildlife. 8 pp.
Corn, Janelle G., and Martin G. Raphael. 1992. Habitat characteristics at
marten subnivean access sites. Journal of Wildlife Management 56(3):442-448.
Corn, P.S., and R.B. Bury. 1991. Small mammal communities in the Oregon Coast
Range. in Ruggiero, Leonard F., Keith B. Aubry, Andrew B. Carey, and
Mark H. Huff., tech. coords. Wildlife and vegetation of unmanaged Douglas-fir
forests. USDA, Forest Service, PNW Research Station, PNW-GTR-285, Portland,
Corn, P.S., and R.B. Bury. 1991. Terrestrial amphibian communities in the
Oregon Coast Range. pp 305-317 in Ruggiero, Leonard F., Keith B. Aubry,
Andrew B. Carey, and Mark H. Huff., tech. coords. Wildlife and vegetation
of unmanaged Douglas-fir forests. USDA, Forest Service, PNW Research Station,
PNW-GTR-285, Portland, OR.
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to stand age and moisture? pp 340-352 in Szaro, Robert C., Kieth E.
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and small mammals in North America- proceedings of the symposium. USDA, Forest
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Dixon, Rita D. 1995. Ecology of white-headed woodpeckers in the central Oregon
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of 26 wildfires on the east slope of the Cascade Range in Washington State,
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Finn, S. P., D. E. Varland, and J. M. Marzluff. 2002. Does northern goshawk
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forests of the south-central Oregon Cascades. M.S. Thesis., Oregon State Univ.,
Corvallis. 45 pp.
Forristal, Christopher D. 2009. Influence of postfire salvage logging on black-backed woodpecker nest-site selection and nest survival. MS Thesis. Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. 93 pp.
Chris, Vicki Saab, and Amy Markus. 2007. Examining the influence of post-wildfire
timber harvest on sensitive woodpecker reproduction. Progress Report, Fremont
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Frazier, M.W. 1997. Roost site characteristics of the long-legged myotis (Myotis
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Washington, Seattle. 58 pp.
Frenzel, Richard W. 1999. Nest-sites and nesting success of white-headed woodpeckers
on the Winema and Deschutes National Forests, Oregon in 1998. Oreg. Nat. Heritage
Prgm., Portland, OR. Unpubl. Rpt. 26 pp. plus figures.
Frenzel, Richard W. 2001. Nest-sites, nesting success, and turnover-rates
of white-headed woodpeckers on the Deschutes and Winema National Forests,
Oregon in 1999. Oreg. Nat. Heritage Prgm., Portland, OR. Unpubl. Rpt. 33 pp.
plus tables and figures.
Frenzel, R.W. 2004. Nest-site occupancy, nesting success, and turnover rates
of white-headed woodpeckers in the Oregon Cascade Mountains in 2004. Audubon
Society of Portland, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bureau of Land
Management, and U.S. Forest Service, Portland, OR. Unpubl. Rept. 35 pp.
Frenzel, Richard W. Unpublished Data. On file with USDA Forest Service, Portland,
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