Description: This 90m raster was developed to represent combined Insect Hazard, and Root Disease Hazard for the OutYear Planning Pod Assessments. This raster was developed based on the 2019 OutYear Planning Workshop and discussions with Joel Egan R1-FHP. The North Idaho and Western Montana Pods decided to use a combined Insect and Root Disease Hazard layer for Vegetation Resistance. The Eastern Montana Pod decided to only use an Insect Hazard layer for Vegetation Resistance. The Dakota Prairie Grasslands Insect Hazard layer is for Green Ash Borer was created separately from the rest of the Eastern Montana Pod area. A Geospatial Processing Toolbox “OYP Veg Resistence Toolbox.tbx” was created for all of the analysis except the VMap Disturbance Update which used a Toolbox in the Reference GeoTool r01 Toolbox Library.Raster Values for Insect and Disease Hazard: 0 None33 Low (DF Beetle mod)67 Mod (Combine Pine MPB, Sprubce Beetle, Ponderosa Pine SDI Beetle, Grand Fir Engraver mod)100 High.(any insect or root disease high) For Northern Idaho and Western Montana Pods Insect Hazard and Root Disease Hazard were modeled separately. Each VMap polygon was assigned an Insect Hazard score and a Root Disease source with upto four values 0 None, 33 Low, 67 Mod, and 100 High. Then a combined Insect Hazard and Root Disease score was calculated based on the highest hazard from either Insect or Root Disease scores.The Northern Idaho and Western Montana Pod Insect Hazard Score based on five separate insect hazard attributes queried from VMap data. The five insect hazard ratings are: Douglas-fir Beetle, Combined Pine Mountain Pine Beetle, Spruce Beetle, Ponderosa Pine SDI Beetle, and Grand Fir Engraver. The first four insect hazard ratings are based on R1 FHP Conservative and Limited Categorical VMap attribute queries. The Grand Fir Engraver hazard is based on a VMap attribute query. For each VMap polygon the overall insect hazard score was calculated based on the highest hazard. Each of the insect hazard rulesets are shown below.The Northern Idaho and Western Montana Pod Root Disease Severity was modeled by R1 FHP into a 30m raster layer. The mean root disease severity value for a VMap polygon was calculated from the raster layer. Susceptible stands with 40% or more presence of Douglas-fir, Grand Fir or Subalpine Fir were selected and then a Root Disease Hazard value determined based on:if DOM_MID_40 NOT IN (8025, 8035, 8065) or DOM_MID_40 IN (8025, 8035, 8065) and RD_SEVERITY = 0 then 0elseif DOM_MID_40 IN (8025, 8035, 8065) and RD_SEVERITY > 0 and RD_SEVERITY <= 1 then 33elseif DOM_MID_40 IN (8025, 8035, 8065) and RD_SEVERITY > 1 and RD_SEVERITY <= 2 then 67elseif DOM_MID_40 IN (8025, 8035, 8065) and RD_SEVERITY > 2 then 100Douglas-Fir Beetle Conservative and Limited Ruleset using Categorical VMap attributes:# DFB CONS-LIM HIGHDOM_MID_40 = MX-PSME AND TREESIZE 15+”# DFB CONS-LIM MODDOM_MID_40 = MX-PSME AND TREESIZE 10-14”# DFB CONS-LIM LOWDOM_MID_40 = MX-PSME AND TREESIZE 0-9”Combined Pine Mountain Pine Beetle Conservative and Limited Ruleset using Categorical VMap attributes:# COMB MPB CONS-LIM HIGHDOM_MID_40 IN (MX-PIPO, MX-PICO, MX-PIAL, MX-PIFL) AND TREESIZE 10+” AND TREECANOPY >= 25%# COMB MPB CONS-LIM MODDOM_MID_40 IN (MX-PIPO, MX-PICO, MX-PIAL, MX-PIFL) AND TREESIZE 5-9” AND TREECANOPY >= 25% # COMB MPB CONS-LIM MODDOM_MID_40 IN (MX-PIPO, MX-PICO, MX-PIAL, MX-PIFL) AND TREESIZE 0-4” AND TREECANOPY >= 40%# COMB MPB CONS-LIM LOWDOM_MID_40 IN (MX-PIPO, MX-PICO, MX-PIAL, MX-PIFL) AND TREESIZE 5+” AND TREECANOPY 10-24% # COMB MPB CONS-LIM LOWDOM_MID_40 IN (MX-PIPO, MX-PICO, MX-PIAL, MX-PIFL) AND TREESIZE 0-4” AND TREECANOPY 10-39% Spruce BeetleConservative and Limited Ruleset using Categorical VMap attributes:# SB HAZ CONS-LIM HIGHDOM_GRP_6040 = PIEN AND TREESIZE >= 15” AND TREECANOPY >= 60%# SB HAZ CONS-LIM MODDOM_GRP_6040 = PIEN AND TREESIZE >= 15” AND TREECANOPY 40-59%# SB HAZ CONS-LIM MODDOM_GRP_6040 = PIEN AND TREESIZE 10-14” AND TREECANOPY >= 60%# SB HAZ CONS-LIM MODDOM_GRP_6040 IN (PIEN-IMIX, PIEN-TMIX) AND TREESIZE >= 15” AND TREECANOPY >= 60% # SB HAZ CONS-LIM LOWDOM_GRP_6040 = PIEN AND TREESIZE >= 15” AND TREECANOPY 10-39%# SB HAZ CONS-LIM LOWDOM_GRP_6040 = PIEN AND TREESIZE 10-14” AND TREECANOPY 10-59% # SB HAZ CONS-LIM LOWDOM_GRP_6040 = PIEN AND TREESIZE 0-9” AND TREECANOPY 10-39%# SB HAZ CONS-LIM LOWDOM_GRP_6040 IN (PIEN-IMIX, PIEN-TMIX) AND TREESIZE >= 15” AND TREECANOPY 10-59%# SB HAZ CONS-LIM LOWDOM_GRP_6040 IN (PIEN-IMIX, PIEN-TMIX) AND TREESIZE 0-14” AND TREECANOPY 10-100%Bark Beetle in Ponderosa Pine Stand Density Index SevereConservative and Limited Ruleset:# BB PP HAZ CONS-LIM HIGHDOM_GRP_6040 = PIPO AND TREESIZE 5+” AND TREECANOPY 25-100%# BB PP HAZ CONS-LIM MODDOM_GRP_6040 IN (PIPO-IMIX, PIPO-TMIX) AND TREESIZE 5+” AND TREECANOPY 25-100%# BB PP HAZ CONS-LIM LOWDOM_GRP_6040 IN (PIPO, PIPO-IMIX, PIPO-TMIX) AND TREESIZE 5+” AND TREECANOPY 10-24%OR DOM_GRP_6040 IN (PIPO, PIPO-IMIX, PIPO-TMIX) AND TREESIZE 0-4” Grand Fir Engraver Hazard Rating VMap ruleset:NF (nontree) LIFEFORM <> 4000NR (not rated) DOM_MID_40 <> 8035 OR (DOM_MID_40 = 8035 AND TREECANOPY = 4001)Mod DOM_MID_40 = 8035 AND TREECANOPY = 4002High DOM_MID_40 = 8035 AND TREECANOPY IN (4003, 4004)8035 (MX-ABGR), 4001 (10-24%), 4002 (25-39%), 4003 (40-59%), 4004 60-100%)*Update - This layer was created by merging together the Vegetation Hazard layers from each Pod (Northern Idaho, Western Montana, and East) to create one Regional Vegetation Hazard Layer.