This screen may contain a variety of figures or tables of snags and down wood information not included in the cumulative species curves. This information includes wildlife use of height of snag or length of down wood, snag or down wood species, decay class, mortality condition, snag top condition, hollow snag or down wood. Please see the Ancillary Data Methods for details on each figure or table. Some tables and figures may need to be PRINTED IN LANDSCAPE
Ancillary Data for Snags
Table EMC.sp-5. Decay condition of snags used by wildlife
species or groups in Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest Wildlife Habitat Type.
Snags in
studies were classed into one of three decay classes; hard, moderate, or soft.
Wildlife species | Snags sampled (n) | soft decay class | moderate decay class | hard decay class | Wildlife use of snag | Structural Condition Class | Geographic Location | Citation |
AMMA | 11 |
X |
X |
den | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | eastern slope Oregon Cascades | Raphael and Jones 1997 | |
AMMA | 24 |
X |
X |
X |
resting | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | east-slope Oregon Cascades | Raphael and Jones 1997 |
BATS | 21 |
X |
roosts | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | southern British Columbia | Vonhof and Barclay 1996 | ||
BBWO | 3 |
X |
X |
nest | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | east central Washington Cascades | Bevis 1994 | |
BBWO | 340 |
X |
foraging | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | central Oregon Cascades | Goggans et al. 1988 | ||
BRCR | 8 |
X |
nest | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | south central British Columbia | Steeger and Machmer 1995 | ||
CAMY | 19 |
X |
roosts | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | southern British Columbia | Brigham et al. 1997 | ||
HAWO | 3 |
X |
nest | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | east central Washington Cascades | Bevis 1994 | ||
HAWO | 91 |
X |
nest | Open canopy | SW Idaho | Saab et al. 2002 | ||
NOFL | 14 |
X |
nest | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | east central Washington Cascades | Bevis 1994 | ||
NOFL | 189 |
X |
X |
nest | Open canopy | SW Idaho | Saab et al. 2002 | |
NUCH | 71 |
X |
X |
X |
nest | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | south central British Columbia | Steeger and Machmer 1995 |
PCE | 86 |
X |
nest | Open canopy, Small/medium trees and Larger trees | north central Washington | Madsen 1985 | ||
PCE | 30 |
X |
nest | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | south central British Columbia | Steeger and Machmer 1995 | ||
PIWO | 72 |
X |
foraging | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | NE Oregon | Bull 1987 | ||
PIWO | 105 |
X |
nest | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | NE Oregon | Bull 1987 | ||
RBNU | 13 |
X |
nest | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | east central Washington Cascades | Bevis 1994 | ||
SHBA | 17 |
X |
roosts | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | NE Oregon | Betts 1996 1998 | ||
SQUIR | 6 |
X |
X |
X |
nest | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | south central British Columbia | Steeger and Machmer 1995 |
TTWO | 15 |
X |
X |
roosts | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | central Oregon Cascades | Goggans et al. 1988 | |
WHWO | 43 |
X |
nest | Open canopy | east-slope Oregon Cascades | Dixon 1995 | ||
WHWO | 404 |
X |
nest | Open canopy, Small/medium trees and Larger trees | east-slope Oregon Cascades | Frenzel 2004 | ||
WISA | 4 |
X |
nest | Small/medium trees and Larger trees | east central Washington Cascades | Bevis 1994 |