Up to 6 tables occur on this screen; please use the scroll bar to view all tables. Hotlinks in the Common Name columns and in the Stem Decay table heading link to species description narratives. In the button bar at the top of the screen, the "I & D Info Page" button takes you to a page with links for all species descriptions in DecAID and web site links for further information. The "I & D Inventory Data" button takes you to tables displaying percentage of inventory plots with occurrence of root diseases, stem decays, and dwarf mistletoes.
Tables EMC_ECB.fid-1 through fid-6. Forest insects and diseases affecting wildlife habitat (structure, sustainability, abundance) in the Eastside Mixed Conifer, East Cascades/Blue Mtns. Vegetation Conditions. Functional roles are coded in the Structural Condition Class columns (Open Canopy, Small/Medium, Larger) as follows: B=Creates brooms; C=Creates concentrations of down wood; D=Causes stem decay that has significance for wildlife habitat; G=Creates canopy gaps; H=Creates hollow butt or stem; M=Potentially significant mortality agent with management implications; and T=Creates dead tops in trees > 50 cm (20 inches) dbh. An "*" superscript indicates that the preceeding function code is valid only for the remnant-tree component of the stand.
Table EMC_ECB.fid-1. Insects
Common Name | Scientific Name | Open
Canopy |
Small/Medium |
Larger |
Douglas-fir beetle | Dendroctonus pseudotsugae | M* |
G,M |
G,M |
Douglas-fir engraver | Scolytus unispinosis | T |
T |
T |
Douglas-fir pole beetle | Pseudohylesinus nebulosis | T |
T |
T |
Douglas-fir tussock moth | Orgyia pseudotsugata | ![]() |
G,M,T |
G,M,T |
Fir engraver | Scolytus ventralis | G,M*,T |
G,M,T |
G,M,T |
Mountain pine beetle | Dendroctonus ponderosae | M* |
G,M |
G,M |
Pine engraver | Ips pini | G,M,T |
G,M,T |
T |
Spruce beetle | Dendroctonus rufipennis | M* |
M |
M |
Western pine beetle | Dendroctonus brevicomis | M* |
G,M |
G,M |
Western spruce budworm | Choristoneura occidentalis | ![]() |
G,M,T |
G,M,T |
Table EMC_ECB.fid-2. Root Diseases
Common Name | Scientific Name | Open
Canopy |
Small/Medium |
Larger |
Annosus root disease | Heterobasidion annosum | G,M |
C,G,M |
C,G,M |
Armillaria root disease | Armillaria ostoyae | G,M |
G,M |
G,M |
Black stain root disease | Leptographium wagenerii | G,M |
G,M |
G,M |
Laminated root rot | Phellinus weirii | D* |
C,G,H,M |
C,G,H,M |
Tomentosus root rot | Innonotus tomentosus | G,M |
C,G,M |
C,G,M |
Table EMC_ECB.fid-3. Mistletoes
Common Name | Scientific Name | Open
Canopy |
Small/Medium |
Larger |
Douglas-fir dwarf mistletoe | Arceuthobium douglasii | B*,M,T |
B,M,T |
B,M,T |
Incense-cedar mistletoe | Phoradendron libocderi | B |
B |
B |
Lodgepole pine dwarf mistletoe | Arceuthobium americanum | B |
B |
B |
Western dwarf mistletoe | Arceuthobium campylopodum | B*,M |
B,M |
B |
Western larch dwarf mistletoe | Arceuthobium laricis | B*,M*,T
B,M,T |
B,M,T |
Western hemlock dwarf mistletoe | Arceuthobium tsugense subsp. tsugense | B,M |
B,M |
B,M |
Table EMC_ECB.fid-4. Rusts
Common Name | Scientific Name | Open
Canopy |
Small/Medium |
Larger |
Comandra blister rust | Cronartium comandrae | T |
T |
T |
Fir broom rust | Melampsorella caryophyllacearum | B |
B |
B |
Incense-cedar rust | Gymnosporangium libocedri | B |
B |
B |
Spruce broom rust | Chrysomyxa arctostaphyll | B |
B |
B |
White pine blister rust | Cronartium ribicola | M,T |
M,T |
M,T |
Table EMC_ECB.fid-5. Stem
Common Name | Scientific Name | Open
Canopy |
Small/Medium |
Larger |
Brown crumbly rot (red belt fungus) | Fomitopsis pinicola | D |
D |
D |
Brown cubical rot (sulfur fungus) | Laetiporus sulphureus | D* |
D |
D |
Brown cubical butt and pocket rot of cedar | Postia sericeomollis | D*,H* |
D,H |
D,H |
Brown stringy trunk rot of hardwoods | Spongipellis delectans | D* |
D |
D |
Brown top rot (rose conk) | Fomitopsis cajanderi | D* |
D |
D |
Brown trunk rot (quinine fungus) | Fomitopsis officinalis | D*,H* |
D,H |
D,H |
Mottled rot (yellow cap fungus) | Pholiota adiposa, P. limonella, P. populnea | D*,H* |
D,H |
D,H |
Pocket dry rot (pecky rot) | Oligoporus amarus | D* |
D |
D |
Red ring rot (white speck) | Phellinis pini | D* |
D |
D |
Rust red stringy rot (Indian paint fungus) | Echinodontium tinctorium | D*,H* |
D,H |
D,H |
Scaly cap fungus | Lentinus lepideus | D* |
D |
D |
Schweinitzii root and butt rot (velvet top fungus) | Phaeaolus schweinitzii | D*,H* |
D,H |
D,H |
Sterile conk rot of birch (cinder conk) | Inonotus obliquus | D* |
D |
D |
Stringy butt rot (Yellow root rot) | Perenniporia subacida | D* |
D |
D |
Tinder Conk | Fomes fomentarius | D* |
D |
D |
Yellow brown top rot (rose-colored conk) | Fomitopsis cajanderi | D* |
D |
D |
Yellow pitted rot (coral fungus) | Hericium abietis | D* |
D |
D |
Yellow ring rot in western redcedar | Phellinus weirii | D*,H* |
D,H |
D,H |
Saprots | Various | D |
D |
D |
Table EMC_ECB.fid-6. Needle Casts
Common Name | Scientific Name | Open
Canopy |
Small/Medium |
Larger |
Dothistroma needle blight (red band needle blight) | Mycosphaerella pini | G,M |
G,M |
![]() |
Elytroderma needle blight | Elytroderma deformans | B |
B |
B |