Decayed Wood Advisor

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Snag dbh -

A table and several figures may be displayed on this screen: the small table on the left shows a summary of the forest inventory data, and the graphs (up to 4) on the right show wildlife use data. Please use the scroll bar to view the desired figure. Note that the right hand column in the inventory table does not add to 100% because plots may be counted in more than one size class. Below, the "Underlying Wildlife Data" button will display values in cm and in, sample size, and the number of studies for each data point. For use of other buttons, see the DecAID Tutorial.

Some figures include data from all subregions within the wildlife habitat type. Also, for some graphs the data for Small/Medium Trees and Larger Trees structural condition classes are identical if data were collected in both structural condition classes; these figures and the underlying data tables are labeled with "S/L".

Underlying Wildlife Data

Table EMC_ECB_L.inv-1. Distribution of snag sizes on unharvested forest inventory plots (n=168) in the EMC_ECB_L Vegetation Condition.

Snag dbh (cm)
% snags (> 25.4 cm) in size class1
% of area with snags in size class2
< 25.42
25.4 - 49.9
50 - 79.9
1Column total may not equal 100% due to rounding.
2Snags less than 25.4 cm were not measured in the forest inventory plots, therefore the value in the first row reflects % of plot-sized areas with no snags, and/or % of plot-sized areas where all snags are < 25.4 cm dbh.

    [Graph]: Graph displaying cumulative species curves for snag/tree dbh (cm) used for nesting in relation to snag size for 30%, 50%, and 80% tolerance levels in the Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest Wildlife Habitat Type for the Larger Trees Structural Condition Class.

    [Graph]: Graph displaying cumulative species curves for snag/tree dbh (cm) used for denning, roosting or resting in relation to snag size for 30%, 50%, and 80% tolerance levels in the Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest Wildlife Habitat Type for the Larger Trees Structural Condition Class.

    [Graph]: Graph displaying cumulative species curves for snag/tree dbh (cm) used for foraging in relation to snag size for 30%, 50%, and 80% tolerance levels in the Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest Wildlife Habitat Type for the Larger Trees Structural Condition Class.