Decayed Wood Advisor

Species Codes Str Cond Class Defs Scientific Names Literature Cited
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This screen may contain a variety of figures or tables of snags and down wood information not included in the cumulative species curves. This information includes wildlife use of height of snag or length of down wood, snag or down wood species, decay class, mortality condition, snag top condition, hollow snag or down wood. Please see the Ancillary Data Methods for details on each figure or table. Some tables and figures may need to be PRINTED IN LANDSCAPE


All Underlying Data for DOWN WOOD

Table EMC.sp-16. Ancillary data for down wood used by wildlife species or groups in Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest Wildlife Habitat Type. Down wood decay
classes are as described by the individual study authors, when given. Species 1 is the down wood species used most often by the wildlife species shown for that particular study. Species 2 is the down wood species used next most often, etc. If selection data were available, then Species 1 is the down wood species most selected by the wildlife species, and so on for Species 2, 3, and 4.

Wildlife species Down wood sampled (n) Decay class of down wood used Hollow down wood Species 1 Species 2 Species 3 Species 4 Wildlife use of down wood Structural Condition Class Geographic Location Citation
yes grand fir western larch resting Small/medium trees and Larger trees NE Oregon Bull and Heater 2000
yes grand fir western larch englemann spruce subalpine fir denning Small/medium trees and Larger trees NE Oregon Bull and Heater 2000
all (71% 2&3) resting Small/medium trees and Larger trees east slope Oregon Cascades Raphael and Jones 1997
yes grand fir western larch denning Open canopy, Small/medium trees and Larger trees NE Oregon Bull et al. 2000
hard no Douglas-fir grand fir western larch Englemann spruce, ponderosa pine denning Open canopy, Small/medium trees and Larger trees NE Oregon Bull et al. 2000
mod-soft Douglas-fir western larch ponderosa pine grand fir & lodgepole pine foraging Open canopy, Small/medium trees and Larger trees NE Oregon Bull 1998
soft           presence Small/medium trees and Larger trees eastern Washington Cascades Lehmkuhl et al. 2006
FUNGI decayed Douglas-fir western larch white pine association Small/medium trees and Larger trees Idaho and Montana Harvey et al. 1987
LICHEN moderate       presence Small/medium trees southeastern British Columbia Bunnell et al. 2008
PIWO Douglas-fir western larch foraging Small/medium trees and Larger trees NE Oregon Bull 1980
2&4 presence Small/medium trees and Larger trees NE Washington Nordstrom 1997
hard presence Open canopy NE Washington, Selkirk Mtns Hallet and O'Connell 1997
soft foraging Open canopy, Small/medium trees and Larger trees north central Washington Madsen 1985