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Legend (wo_nfs_gtac/GTAC_NPOWatershedNeeds)

Watershed Condition Framework: Priority Watersheds (1)
National Forest System HUC 12s with Surface Water Protection Areas (SPAs) (2)
<=5% <=5%
>6 and <=20% >6 and <=20%
>21 and <= 50% >21 and <= 50%
>51 and <= 80% >51 and <= 80%
>80% >80%
no SPA area no SPA area
National Forest System HUC 12s with Wellhead Protection Area (3)
<=5% <=5%
>6 and <=20% >6 and <=20%
>21 and <= 50% >21 and <= 50%
>51 and <= 80% >51 and <= 80%
>80% >80%
No Wellhead Protection Area No Wellhead Protection Area
Wildfire Hazard Potential Classes - Standard Colors (5)
Very Low Very Low
Low Low
Moderate Moderate
High High
Very High Very High
Non-burnable Non-burnable
Water Water
FEMA Flood Hazard Areas (6)
1% Annual Flood Hazard 1% Annual Flood Hazard
Regulatory Floodway Regulatory Floodway
Special Floodway Special Floodway
Area of Undetermined Flood Hazard Area of Undetermined Flood Hazard
0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard
Future Conditions 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard Future Conditions 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard
Area with Reduced Risk Due to Levee Area with Reduced Risk Due to Levee
County (8)
223 - 72736 223 - 72736
83 - 223 83 - 223
46 - 83 46 - 83
25 - 46 25 - 46
9 - 25 9 - 25
0 - 9 0 - 9
ZipCode (9)
1742.000001 - 123054.600000 1742.000001 - 123054.600000
286.600001 - 1742.000000 286.600001 - 1742.000000
79.700001 - 286.600000 79.700001 - 286.600000
32.700001 - 79.700000 32.700001 - 79.700000
11.400001 - 32.700000 11.400001 - 32.700000
0.000000 - 11.400000 0.000000 - 11.400000
Tract (10)
5.66 - 17.7 5.66 - 17.7
2.35 - 5.66 2.35 - 5.66
1.13 - 2.35 1.13 - 2.35
0.39 - 1.13 0.39 - 1.13
-0.249 - 0.39 -0.249 - 0.39
-3.04 - -0.25 -3.04 - -0.25
County (12)
5.660 - 17.7 5.660 - 17.7
2.35 - 5.66 2.35 - 5.66
1.130 - 2.35 1.130 - 2.35
0.39 - 1.13 0.39 - 1.13
-0.249 - 0.39 -0.249 - 0.39
-3.04 - -0.25 -3.04 - -0.25
ZipCode (13)
5.66 - 17.7 5.66 - 17.7
2.35 - 5.66 2.35 - 5.66
1.13 - 2.35 1.13 - 2.35
0.39 - 1.13 0.39 - 1.13
-0.249 - 0.39 -0.249 - 0.39
-3.04 - -0.25 -3.04 - -0.25
Tract (14)
5.66 - 17.7 5.66 - 17.7
2.35 - 5.66 2.35 - 5.66
1.13 - 2.35 1.13 - 2.35
0.39 - 1.13 0.39 - 1.13
-0.249 - 0.39 -0.249 - 0.39
-3.04 - -0.25 -3.04 - -0.25
2018 National Insect and Disease Mortality (15)
Disturbances/treatments in risk areas Disturbances/treatments in risk areas
WIT - Planned Watershed Improvement Projects (17)
303d lmpaired Waters Point (19)
303d lmpaired Waters Line (20)
303d lmpaired Waters Polygon (21)