Description: IMPORTANCE 1. Priority Watersheds as identified by the Watershed Condition Framework process.
2. Surface and Ground Water Protection Areas
Description: The Watershed Condition Classification feature class represents data on Watershed Condition on Forest Service lands in HUC12 (from the Watershed Boundary Dataset) watersheds that contain more than 5% USFS ownership. The feature class also includes data on high priority watersheds identified in the Watershed Condition Framework (WCF) process. The WCF data identifies priority watersheds, rationale for their designation as such, and information on Watershed Restoration Action Plans. The data are compiled from the NRM Watershed Condition Assesment and Tracking Tool (WCATT) application. Go to this page for full metadata description:
Name: National Forest System HUC 12s with Surface Water Protection Areas (SPAs)
Display Field: Percent_Dissolved_SPA_Area
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: HUC12s in this layer intersect Forest System boundaries
WBD data sources:
-Non-Alaska – ‘WBD_Poly_Seamless.xml’ included in ‘Metadata’ folder
-Alaska – ‘WBD_National_GDB.xml’ included in ‘Metadata’ folder
SPA description:
SPAs developed using NHDPlus V2.1 simplified catchments. Source Protection Area (SPA) polygons composed of all NHDPlus catchments located one day's time of travel (24 hours) upstream from inland water surface facility point events related to surface water drinking water system facilities from a SDWIS/FED extract for 2017, georeferenced to initialized inland NHD medium resolution flowlines.
NHDPlus v2.1 does not include catchments for Alaska, therefore no SPAs have been developed.
Area Calculation description:
‘Percentage of HUC12 covered by SPAs’ is calculated using the US area of the HUC12 and SPA features. The HUC12s are further clipped using the processing extent of the NHDPlus V2.1. This ensures that all HUC12 features are covered by NHDPlus V2 catchments, notably in coastal areas where the HUC12s extend into the ocean.
Catchment data source:
- ‘NHDPlusV2_metadata.xml’ included in ‘Metadata’ folder
Name: National Forest System HUC 12s with Wellhead Protection Area
Display Field: Percent_Dissolved_WHPA_Area
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: HUC12s in this layer intersect Forest System boundaries
WBD data sources:
-Non-Alaska – ‘WBD_Poly_Seamless.xml’ included in ‘Metadata’ folder
-Alaska – ‘WBD_National_GDB.xml’ included in ‘Metadata’ folder
WHPA description – Wellhead Protection Areas
-Catchments including GW Wells in non-AK
-1 mile buffers for GW Wells in AK, since no catchments are available for AK in NHDPlus V2.1
Area Calculation description:
‘Percentage of HUC12 covered by Wellhead Protection Area’ is calculated using the US area of the HUC12 and WHPA features (NHDPlus V2.1catchments). The HUC12s are further clipped using the processing extent of the NHDPlus V2.1. This ensures that all HUC12 features are covered by NHDPlus V2 catchments, notably in coastal areas where the HUC12s extend into the ocean.
WHPA features in Alaska were dissolved before calculating ‘Percentage of HUC12 covered by Wellhead Protection Area’ to avoid over-counting in areas where WHPA features overlap.
Catchment data source:
- ‘NHDPlusV2_metadata.xml’ included in ‘Metadata’ folder
Name: Wildfire Hazard Potential Classes - Standard Colors
Display Field: CLASS_DESC
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: Federal wildfire managers often want to know, over large landscapes, where wildfires are likely to occur and how intense they may be. To meet this need we developed a map that we call wildfire hazard potential (WHP) – a raster geospatial product that can help to inform evaluations of wildfire risk or prioritization of fuels management needs across very large spatial scales (millions of acres). Our specific objective with the WHP map was to depict the relative potential for wildfire that would be difficult for suppression resources to contain. To create the 2018 version, we built upon spatial estimates of wildfire likelihood and intensity generated in 2016 with the Large Fire Simulation system (FSim), as well as spatial fuels and vegetation data from LANDFIRE 2012 and point locations of fire occurrence from FPA (ca. 1992 – 2013). With these datasets as inputs, we produced an index of WHP for all of the conterminous United States at 270 meter resolution. We present the final WHP map as five WHP classes of very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. On its own, WHP is not an explicit map of wildfire threat or risk, but when paired with spatial data depicting highly valued resources and assets such as structures or powerlines, it can approximate relative wildfire risk to those specific resources and assets. WHP is also not a forecast or wildfire outlook for any particular season, as it does not include any information on current or forecasted weather or fuel moisture conditions. It is instead intended for long-term strategic fuels management.
Description: The National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) is a compilation of GIS data that comprises a nationwide digital Flood Insurance Rate Map. The GIS data and services are designed to provide the user with the ability to determine the flood zone, base flood elevation, and floodway status for a particular location. It also has information about the NFIP communities, map panels, cross sections, hydraulic structures, Coastal Barrier Resource System, and base maps such as road, stream, and public land survey data. Through flood studies, FEMA produces Flood Insurance Study Reports, FIRM Panels, and FIRM Databases. FIRM Databases that become effective are incorporated into the NFHL. Updates to the NFHL are issued through Letters of Map Revision (LOMRs) and Letters of Map Amendment (LOMAs). Continuously updated, the NFHL serves as a Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map representing the current effective flood data for those communities where maps have been digitized. NFHL data can be viewed with widely available GIS software, including freely available programs that work with GIS shapefiles. For more information on the NFHL, see the online resources referenced herein. ___Using base maps:___ The minimum horizontal positional accuracy for base map hydrographic and transportation features used with the NFHL is the NSSDA radial accuracy of 38 feet. ___Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) point locations___ are approximate. The location of the LOMA is referenced in the legal description of the letter itself. LOMA points can be viewed in the NFHL Interactive Map on the FEMA GeoPlatform.
Description: This feature layer provides Esri 2018 demographic estimates for popular variables including: 2018 Total Population, 2018 Household Population, 2018 Median Age, 2018 Median Household Income, 2018 Per Capita Income, 2018 Diversity Index and many more. Data is available from country, state, county, ZIP Code, tract, and block group level with adjustable scale visibility.
Description: This feature layer provides Esri 2018 demographic estimates for popular variables including: 2018 Total Population, 2018 Household Population, 2018 Median Age, 2018 Median Household Income, 2018 Per Capita Income, 2018 Diversity Index and many more. Data is available from country, state, county, ZIP Code, tract, and block group level with adjustable scale visibility.
Description: This feature layer provides Esri 2018 demographic estimates for popular variables including: 2018 Total Population, 2018 Household Population, 2018 Median Age, 2018 Median Household Income, 2018 Per Capita Income, 2018 Diversity Index and many more. Data is available from country, state, county, ZIP Code, tract, and block group level with adjustable scale visibility.
Description: This feature layer provides Esri 2018 demographic estimates for popular variables including: 2018 Total Population, 2018 Household Population, 2018 Median Age, 2018 Median Household Income, 2018 Per Capita Income, 2018 Diversity Index and many more. Data is available from country, state, county, ZIP Code, tract, and block group level with adjustable scale visibility.
Name: Population Growth Rate Estimates - 2018-2023
Display Field:
Type: Group Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: This feature layer provides Esri 2018 demographic estimates for popular variables including: 2018 Total Population, 2018 Household Population, 2018 Median Age, 2018 Median Household Income, 2018 Per Capita Income, 2018 Diversity Index and many more. Data is available from country, state, county, ZIP Code, tract, and block group level with adjustable scale visibility.
Description: This feature layer provides Esri 2018 demographic estimates for popular variables including: 2018 Total Population, 2018 Household Population, 2018 Median Age, 2018 Median Household Income, 2018 Per Capita Income, 2018 Diversity Index and many more. Data is available from country, state, county, ZIP Code, tract, and block group level with adjustable scale visibility.
Description: This feature layer provides Esri 2018 demographic estimates for popular variables including: 2018 Total Population, 2018 Household Population, 2018 Median Age, 2018 Median Household Income, 2018 Per Capita Income, 2018 Diversity Index and many more. Data is available from country, state, county, ZIP Code, tract, and block group level with adjustable scale visibility.
Description: This feature layer provides Esri 2018 demographic estimates for popular variables including: 2018 Total Population, 2018 Household Population, 2018 Median Age, 2018 Median Household Income, 2018 Per Capita Income, 2018 Diversity Index and many more. Data is available from country, state, county, ZIP Code, tract, and block group level with adjustable scale visibility.
Description: Layer used to show category of ‘dead trees’ to signify the contribution to watershed restoration opportunities. Pulled out the dead tree pixels, summarized by huc, and used in modeling.
Description: The Watershed Improvement Tracking (WIT) Sites feature class combines polygon, point, and line sites from the Forest Service NRM (Natural Resource Manager) WIT database into one polygon feature class. Lines and points from the NRM WIT database were buffered by 10 meters to produce polygons, and then merged with WIT polygons into one feature class. This feature class contains basic information about each site including: location, date the site was created, and the Forest Service unit responsible for the site. NRM WIT application is a watershed restoration activity tracker that addresses site conditions, as well as planned and completed activities.
Description: Provides impaired water data and impaired water features reflecting river segments, lakes, and estuaries designated under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act.
Description: The 303(d) Listed Impaired Waters program system provides impaired water data and impaired water features reflecting river segments, lakes, and estuaries designated under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. Each State will establish Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for these waters. Note the CWA Section 303(d) list of impaired waters does not represent waters that are impaired but have an EPA-approved TMDL established, impaired waters for which other pollution control mechanisms are in place and expected to attain water quality standards, or waters impaired as a result of pollution and is not caused by a pollutant. Therefore, the "Impaired Waters" layers do not represent all impaired waters reported in a state's Integrated Report, but only the waters comprised of a state's approved 303(d) list. For more information regarding impaired waters refer to EPA's Integrated Reporting Guidance at: 303(d) waterbodies are coded onto NHDPlus v2.1 flowline and waterbody features to create line, area, and point events. In addition to NHDPlus reach indexed data there may also be custom event data (point, line, or polygon) that are not associated with NHDPlus and are in an EPA standard format that is compatible with EPA's Reach Address Database. These custom features are used to represent locations of 303(d) waterbodies that are not represented well in NHDPlus.
Copyright Text: Acknowledgement of the originating agencies (USEPA and USGS) would be appreciated in products derived from these data.
Description: The 303(d) Listed Impaired Waters program system provides impaired water data and impaired water features reflecting river segments, lakes, and estuaries designated under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. Each State will establish Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for these waters. Note the CWA Section 303(d) list of impaired waters does not represent waters that are impaired but have an EPA-approved TMDL established, impaired waters for which other pollution control mechanisms are in place and expected to attain water quality standards, or waters impaired as a result of pollution and is not caused by a pollutant. Therefore, the "Impaired Waters" layers do not represent all impaired waters reported in a state's Integrated Report, but only the waters comprised of a state's approved 303(d) list. For more information regarding impaired waters refer to EPA's Integrated Reporting Guidance at: 303(d) waterbodies are coded onto NHDPlus v2.1 flowline and waterbody features to create line, area, and point events. In addition to NHDPlus reach indexed data there may also be custom event data (point, line, or polygon) that are not associated with NHDPlus and are in an EPA standard format that is compatible with EPA's Reach Address Database. These custom features are used to represent locations of 303(d) waterbodies that are not represented well in NHDPlus.
Copyright Text: Acknowledgement of the originating agencies (USEPA and USGS) would be appreciated in products derived from these data.
Description: The 303(d) Listed Impaired Waters program system provides impaired water data and impaired water features reflecting river segments, lakes, and estuaries designated under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. Each State will establish Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for these waters. Note the CWA Section 303(d) list of impaired waters does not represent waters that are impaired but have an EPA-approved TMDL established, impaired waters for which other pollution control mechanisms are in place and expected to attain water quality standards, or waters impaired as a result of pollution and is not caused by a pollutant. Therefore, the "Impaired Waters" layers do not represent all impaired waters reported in a state's Integrated Report, but only the waters comprised of a state's approved 303(d) list. For more information regarding impaired waters refer to EPA's Integrated Reporting Guidance at: 303(d) waterbodies are coded onto NHDPlus v2.1 flowline and waterbody features to create line, area, and point events. In addition to NHDPlus reach indexed data there may also be custom event data (point, line, or polygon) that are not associated with NHDPlus and are in an EPA standard format that is compatible with EPA's Reach Address Database. These custom features are used to represent locations of 303(d) waterbodies that are not represented well in NHDPlus.
Copyright Text: Acknowledgement of the originating agencies (USEPA and USGS) would be appreciated in products derived from these data.