Description: The priority ranking score assigned to the site through RFA or RSA, on a 100 pt scale, with 100 being highest priority and 1 being lowest priority. Sites with no value have not been through an analysis process.
Description: The Recreation Index was compiled the by National Partnership Office in the summer of 2019 to indicate locations where the use of conservation finance tools can be further explored. The layer uses the Recreation API. This layer is used together with the Partnership Readiness Index to indicate areas where use of conservation finance tools can be further explored. The layer is not intended to be used to identify suitability of specific project locations on the ground.
We began with the Recreation API and combined that with National Forest Boundaries. Add Partnership Readiness Index to Recreation API Index to calculate a final Partnership Readiness/Recreation Index.
Description: Spreadsheet developed by GTAC recreation program indicating total number of dev site visits on NFS lands, July 2019. Geocoded table using admin forest geographical features