National Composite Insect and Disease Risk Map (1)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Legend (2)
| Risk ( >= 25% projected mortality) |
| Treed lands |
Map (4)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Legend (5)
| One to Two |
| Three to Four |
| Five to Twelve |
| Treed Area |
Map (7)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Legend (8)
| Little or no Risk |
| 1 - 4% |
| 5 - 14% |
| 15 - 24% |
| 25% or greater |
Map (10)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Legend (11)
| Little or no BA loss |
| Bottom 49% |
| 50 - 74% |
| 75 - 95% |
| Top 5% - highest estimated loss |
Map (13)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Legend (14)
| Risk ( >= 25% projected mortality ) |
| Forest Service lands |
| Other Federal lands |