Pacific Southwest Ski Areas (0)
Winter Recreation Area (1)
Roadside Park (2)
Ranger District Office (3)
Lookout (Permanent) (4)
Forest/Region Headquarters Office (5)
Picnic Area (6)
Forest Service Facility (7)
Trailhead (8)
Campsite or Campground (9)
Stream Crossing (10)
Culvert or Culvert Installation (11)
Bridge (12)
Dams By Hazard Class (13)
Forest Service Roads (14)
All Roads (15)
Trails: Historical vs. 2080 Bankfull Flow (16)
| < -30 |
| -30 to -20 |
| -20 to -10 |
| -10 to 0 |
| 0 to 10 |
| 10 to 20 |
| 20 to 30 |
| >30 |
Roads: Historical vs. 2080 Bankfull Flow (17)
| < -30 |
| -30 to -20 |
| -20 to -10 |
| -10 to 0 |
| 0 to 10 |
| 10 to 20 |
| 20 to 30 |
| >30 |
Reduction in Snow Residence Time on Forest Service Roads by 2080 (18)
| Reduced by > 45 days |
| Reduced by 45 to 30 days |
| Reduced by 30 to 15 days |
| Reduced by 15 to 0 days |