Name: Change in Water Demand (Withdrawals) by County (%) (2070, RCP 8.5-SSP-2)
Display Field: NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: This data layer, the Resources Planning Act (RPA) Water Demand - Change in Water Demand (Withdrawals) by County (%) 2070, RCP8.5-SSP2, examines recent trends in freshwater use and makes projections in future freshwater use over the next 50 years. The RPA water demand model includes modeled historical and projected domestic and public use, industrial and commercial use, thermoelectric, irrigation, livestock, aquaculture, biofuels, and oil shale. Percent change in water demand (water withdrawal) by county was calculated from projected water demand for the year 2070 using combined scenarios RCP8.5-SSP2 relative to a 2020 baseline. Scenario = RCP8.5-SSP2 combination (high warming, moderate growth), mean/min/max of 5 climate models used in RPA Assessment; another three RCP-SSP combinations are available from the information source. This uses the following five climate models: Least Warm-MRI-CGCM3; Hot-HadGEM2-ES; Dry-IPSL-CM5A-MR; Wet-CNRM-CM5; Middle-NorESM1-M ( For information on RPA models and future scenarios see Langner et al. 2020: For water demand methods see: Warziniack et al. 2022 -; and Heidari 2021 - Spatial Extent: CONUSUnits: Millions of gallons per day
Name: Change in Water Demand (Withdrawals) by County (%) (2070, RCP 4.5-SSP-1)
Display Field: NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: This data layer, the Resources Planning Act (RPA) Water Demand - Change in Water Demand (Withdrawals) by County (%) 2070, RCP4.5-SSP1, examines recent trends in freshwater use and makes projections in future freshwater use over the next 50 years. The RPA water demand model includes modeled historical and projected domestic and public use, industrial and commercial use, thermoelectric, irrigation, livestock, aquaculture, biofuels, and oil shale. Percent change in water demand (water withdrawal) by county was calculated from projected water demand for the year 2070 using combined scenarios RCP4.5-SSP1 relative to a 2020 baseline. Scenario = RCP4.5-SSP1 combination (low warming, moderate growth), mean/min/max of 5 climate models used in RPA Assessment; another three RCP-SSP combinations are available from the information source. This uses the following five climate models: Least Warm-MRI-CGCM3; Hot-HadGEM2-ES; Dry-IPSL-CM5A-MR; Wet-CNRM-CM5; Middle-NorESM1-M ( For information on RPA models and future scenarios see Langner et al. 2020: For water demand methods see: Warziniack et al. 2022 -; and Heidari 2021 - Spatial Extent: CONUSUnits: Millions of gallons per day
Name: (DRAFT) - Climate Stress Summary By Subwatershed - Vector Data
Display Field: name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: (DRAFT) - Climate Stress Summary By Subwatershed - Vector. This layer describes the relative magnitude of projected changes across watersheds. Seven climate stress variables were summarized by subwatershed. Thresholds were then assigned to each of the variables, with the variables given a value of 1 if they passed the threshold, and 0 otherwise: Absolute change in length-weighted number of winter floods > 4; Percent change in length-weighted 25-year flood > 25; Percent change in length-weighted decadal low flow > 25; Percent change in snow water equivalent > 25; Percent change in snow residence time > 25; Percent change in 90th percentile number of summer dry days > 25; Historical (1993-2011) stream temperature > 18 °C (i.e., above 20 °C with a 2 °C temperature increase); These values were summed, then divided by the number of variables with data in that subwatershed, to identify the percentage of variables with projected changes over the thresholds. Low: < 25%; Medium: >= 25, < 50%; High: >50%; All future data are for the time period 2070-2099, using RCP 8.5 (, The input layers used for the summaries include the Streamflow Metrics dataset (, National Forest Climate Change Maps (, and the NorWeST Stream Temperature dataset ( Note that data on the individual climate stress variables is available from the data provider. Spatial Extent: CONUSUnits: Varies
Copyright Text: USDA Forest Service: Office of Sustainability and Climate (OSC) and Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS)