Description: Terrestrial Condition Assessment (TCA) for Continental United States. The TCA evaluates the effects of uncharacteristic stressors and disturbance agents to identify restoration opportunities on National Forest System (NFS) lands. The TCA assesses ecological condition on NFS lands by scoring landscape ecosystems from "Very Good" to "Very Poor" using a continuous scoring system from +1 to -1 based on indicators and underlying datasets. The underlying input data include observed insect and pathogen-induced mortality, key critical loads for atmospheric deposition, long term seasonal departures in temperature and precipitation, road densities, uncharacteristic wildfires, historical fire regime departure, wildfire potential, insect and pathogen hazard, and vegetation departure from natural range of variability. For more information visit Spatial Extent: CONUS + AlaskaUnits: Condition class (Very Poor, Poor, Moderate, Good, Very Good)