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Layer: FACTS (Harvest and Silviculture Activities 2001–2023) (ID: 5)

Name: FACTS (Harvest and Silviculture Activities 2001–2023)

Display Field: ActGroup

Type: Raster Layer

Geometry Type: null

Description: Forest Service Activity Tracking System (FACTS) database. FACTS is an activity tracking system that records, tracks, and monitors activities associated with timber sales, NEPA decisions, trust fund plans, hazardous fuels reduction treatments, invasive species mitigation, and some range activities (FACTS). The database was queried to produce the following two layers: 1) completed actions promoting ecosystem resilience excluding harvest and silviculture activities (2001-2021); and 2) harvest and silviculture activities (2001-2021). Ecosystem resilience actions are defined as activities that support the ability of an ecosystem to return to a previous condition following a disturbance from climate change and/or other stressors. These could include restoring native biodiversity, allowing for larger flows, stream restoration, removing barriers to migration, creating refugia, and restoring natural disturbance regimes (e.g., through prescribed fire). Map and Data Disclaimer: The USDA Forest Service makes no warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of Merchant ability and fitness for a particular purpose, and assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or utility of these geospatial data, or for the improper or incorrect use of these geospatial data. These geospatial data and related maps or graphics are not legal documents and are not intended to be used as such. The data and maps may not be used to determine title, ownership, legal descriptions or boundaries, legal jurisdiction, or restrictions that may be in place on either public or private land. Natural hazards may or may not be depicted on the data and maps, and land users should exercise due caution. The data are dynamic and may change over time. The user is responsible to verify the limitations of the geospatial data and to use the data accordingly. Harvest and silviculture activities were identified in consultation with subject matter experts on each category of FACTS codes. The following activities were included in this category: 'Treatment Monitoring Plot' (4039), 'Research Areas' (4041), 'Coppice Cut (EA/RH/FH)' (4101), 'Coppice Cut (w/leave trees) (EA/RH/FH)' (4102), 'Patch Clearcut (EA/RH/FH)' (4111), 'Stand Clearcut (EA/RH/FH)' (4113), 'Patch Clearcut (w/ leave trees) (EA/RH/FH)' (4115), 'Stand Clearcut (w/ leave trees) (EA/RH/FH)' (4117), 'Shelterwood Preparatory Cut (EA/NRH/NFH)' (4121), 'Seed-tree Preparatory Cut (EA/NRH/NFH)' (4122), 'Shelterwood Establishment Cut (with or without leave trees) (EA/RH/NFH)' (4131), 'Seed-tree Seed Cut (with and without leave trees) (EA/RH/NFH)' (4132), 'Shelterwood Removal Cut (EA/NRH/FH)' (4141), 'Seed-tree Final Cut (EA/NRH/FH)' (4142), 'Overstory Removal Cut (from advanced regeneration) (EA/RH/FH)' (4143), 'Shelterwood Removal Cut (w/ leave trees) (EA/NRH/FH)' (4145), 'Seed-tree Removal Cut (w/ leave trees) (EA/NRH/FH)' (4146), 'Shelterwood Staged Removal Cut (EA/NRH/NFH)' (4148), 'Single-tree Selection Cut (UA/RH/FH)' (4151), 'Group Selection Cut (UA/RH/FH)' (4152), 'Two-aged Coppice Cut (w/res) (2A/RH/FH)' (4162), 'Two-aged Patch Clearcut (w/res) (2A/RH/FH)' (4175), 'Two-aged Stand Clearcut (w/res) (2A/RH/FH)' (4177), 'Two-aged Seed-tree Seed and Removal Cut (w/res) (2A/RH/FH)' (4183), 'Two-aged Preparatory Cut (w/res) (2A/NRH/NFH)' (4192), 'Two-aged Shelterwood Establishment and Removal Cut (w/ res) (2A/RH/FH)' (4193), 'Two-aged Shelterwood Establishment Cut (w/res) (2A/RH/NFH)' (4194), 'Two-aged Shelterwood Final Removal Cut (w/res) (2A/NRH/FH)' (4196), 'Improvement Cut' (4210), 'Liberation Cut' (4211), 'Commercial Thin' (4220), 'Salvage Cut (intermediate treatment, not regeneration)' (4231), 'Sanitation Cut' (4232), 'Special Products Removal' (4241), 'Harvest Without Restocking' (4242), 'Natural Changes (excludes fire)' (4250), 'Permanent Land Clearing' (4270), 'Administrative Changes' (4290), 'No Treatment Matrix' (4291), 'Remote Sensing Vegetation Mapping' (4302), 'Silvicultural Stand Examination' (4310), 'Pretreatment Exam for Reforestation' (4314), 'Pretreatment Exam for Release or Precommercial Thinning' (4315), 'Ecosystem and Midscale Inventory - Data collection' (4318), 'Low Intensity Stand Examination' (4319), 'Stand Diagnosis Prepared' (4320), 'Stand Silviculture Prescription' (4331), 'Stocking Survey' (4341), 'Plantation Survival Survey' (4342), 'Animal Damage Survey' (4343), 'Vegetative Competition Survey' (4344), 'Post Treatment Vegetation Monitoring' (4346), 'Certification of Natural Regeneration with Site Prep' (4381), 'Certification of Natural Regeneration without Site Prep' (4382), 'Certification-Planted' (4383), 'Certification-Seeded' (4384), 'TSI Certification - Release/weeding' (4391), 'TSI Certification - Thinning' (4392), 'TSI Certification - Fertilization' (4393), 'TSI Certification - Cleaning' (4394), 'TSI Certification - Pruning' (4395), 'Seed (Trees)' (4411), 'Fill-in Seed or Reseed Trees' (4412), 'Plant Trees' (4431), 'Fill-in or Replant Trees' (4432), 'Seedling procurement in advance of planting activity (trees)' (4445), 'Planting stock material procurement in advance of reveg. activity (non-tree)' (4447), 'Plant or Seed Shrubs, Forbs, Grasses' (4448), 'Reforestation Enhancement' (4450), 'Reforestation Enhancement Maintenance' (4451), 'Initiate Natural Regeneration' (4452), 'Natural Recovery' (4453), 'Slashing - Pre-Site Preparation' (4455), 'Animal Damage Control for Reforestation' (4460), 'Maintenance of Animal Damage Control for Reforestation' (4461), 'Leave Tree Protection' (4466), 'Site Preparation for Planting - Burning' (4471), 'Site Preparation for Planting - Chemical' (4472), 'Site Preparation for Planting - Other' (4473), 'Site Preparation for Planting - Mechanical' (4474), 'Site Preparation for Planting - Manual' (4475), 'Site Preparation for Seeding - Burning' (4481), 'Site Preparation for Seeding - Mechanical' (4484), 'Site Preparation for Seeding - Manual' (4485), 'Site Preparation for Natural Regeneration - Burning' (4491), 'Site Preparation for Natural Regeneration - Chemical' (4492), 'Site Preparation for Natural Regeneration - Other' (4493), 'Site Preparation for Natural Regeneration - Mechanical' (4494), 'Site Preparation for Natural Regeneration - Manual' (4495), 'Tree Release and Weed' (4511), 'Precommercial Thin' (4521), 'Prune' (4530), 'Control of Understory Vegetation' (4540), 'Control of Understory Vegetation- Burning' (4541), 'Fertilization' (4550), 'Animal Control for TSI' (4560), 'Other Stand Tending' (4570), 'Layout and Design' (4631), 'Marking/Designation' (4632), 'Cruising' (4633), 'Nursery Facility Maintenance' (4800), 'Nursery Pesticide Use' (4801), 'Cone Collection' (4810), 'Selection and Care of Superior Trees' (4910), 'Seed Collection from Superior Trees' (4920), 'Scion Collection from Superior Trees' (4921), 'Scion Grafts from Superior Trees' (4922), 'Cones, Seed, Fruit or Cutting Collection for Gene Conservation' (4923), 'Pollen Collection from Superior Trees' (4924), 'Seed Production Area Establishment' (4931), 'Seed Production Area Maintenance' (4932), 'Seed Production Area Cone Collection' (4933), 'Seed Production Area Abandoned' (4934), 'Seed Orchard Establishment / Improvements' (4940), 'Seed Orchard Operations' (4941), 'Seed Orchard Collection' (4944), 'Genetic Evaluation Plantation Establishment' (4950), 'Genetic Evaluation Plantation Operations' (4951), 'Evaluation Plantation Examination/ Measurement' (4953), 'Genetic Test Maintenance' (4956), 'Construction/Purchasing of Tree Seedlings Cooler' (4971), 'Seedlings Cooler Maintenance' (4972). More information on FACTS codes here:

Copyright Text: USDA Forest Service

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