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Layer: FACTS (Ecosystem Resilience Activities 2001–2023) (ID: 4)

Name: FACTS (Ecosystem Resilience Activities 2001–2023)

Display Field: ActGroup

Type: Raster Layer

Geometry Type: null

Description: Forest Service Activity Tracking System (FACTS) database. FACTS is an activity tracking system that records, tracks, and monitors activities associated with timber sales, NEPA decisions, trust fund plans, hazardous fuels reduction treatments, invasive species mitigation, and some range activities (FACTS). The database was queried to produce the following two layers: 1) completed actions promoting ecosystem resilience excluding harvest and silviculture activities (2001-2021); and 2) harvest and silviculture activities (2001-2021). Ecosystem resilience actions are defined as activities that support the ability of an ecosystem to return to a previous condition following a disturbance from climate change and/or other stressors. These could include restoring native biodiversity, allowing for larger flows, stream restoration, removing barriers to migration, creating refugia, and restoring natural disturbance regimes (e.g., through prescribed fire). Map and Data Disclaimer: The USDA Forest Service makes no warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of Merchant ability and fitness for a particular purpose, and assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or utility of these geospatial data, or for the improper or incorrect use of these geospatial data. These geospatial data and related maps or graphics are not legal documents and are not intended to be used as such. The data and maps may not be used to determine title, ownership, legal descriptions or boundaries, legal jurisdiction, or restrictions that may be in place on either public or private land. Natural hazards may or may not be depicted on the data and maps, and land users should exercise due caution. The data are dynamic and may change over time. The user is responsible to verify the limitations of the geospatial data and to use the data accordingly. Non-timber ecosystem resilience activities were identified in consultation with subject matter experts on each category of FACTS codes. The following activities were included in this category: 'Landing Treated - Area Mitigated' (1102), 'Broadcast Burning - Covers a majority of the unit' (1111), 'Jackpot Burning - Scattered concentrations' (1112), 'Underburn - Low Intensity (Majority of Unit)' (1113), 'Wildfire - Natural Ignition' (1117), 'Planned Treatment Burned in Wildfire' (1119), 'Yarding - Removal of Fuels by Carrying or Dragging' (1120), 'Burning of Piled Material' (1130), 'Pruning to Raise Canopy Height and Discourage Crown Fire' (1136), 'Grazing and Range Mgt. for Hazardous Fuels Reduction' (1139), 'Rearrangement of Fuels' (1150), 'Compacting/Crushing of Fuels' (1152), 'Piling of Fuels, Hand or Machine' (1153), 'Chipping of Fuels' (1154), 'Thinning for Hazardous Fuels Reduction' (1160), 'Fuel Break' (1180), 'Range Grazing Systems' (2000), 'Range Grazing Structural Improvements - Structure' (2010), 'Range Grazing Structural Improvements - Length' (2011), 'Acres Improved Through Construction/Re-construction of Range Grazing Structural Improvements' (2012), 'Range Grazing Non-Structural Improvements' (2020), 'Nonrange Fences - Length' (2100), 'Nonrange Fences - Area' (2101), 'Range Fences - Length' (2110), 'Range Fences - Area' (2111), 'Range Fence Obliteration - Length' (2120), 'Range Fence Obliteration - Area' (2121), 'Acres Improved Through Removal of Range Structural Improvements' (2132), 'Range Water Source Developments (Structures)' (2200), 'Range Structural Maintenance - Structure' (2220), 'Range Structural Maintenance - Length' (2221), 'Range Non-Structural Maintenance' (2230), 'Other Range Improvements - Structure' (2240), 'Other Range Improvements - Area' (2242), 'Range Fertilization' (2310), 'Range Seeding and Planting' (2320), 'Range Forage Improvement' (2321), 'Range Site Treatment for Water Conservation' (2330), 'Range Cover Type Conversion' (2340), 'Range Cover Manipulation' (2341), 'Range Control Vegetation' (2360), 'Range Piling Slash' (2370), 'Range Non-Structural Improvement Maintenance' (2390), 'Tree Encroachment Control' (2400), 'Invasive - Pesticide Application' (2510), 'Invasive - Mechanical/Physical' (2530), 'Invasive - Cultural/Fire' (2540), 'Invasive - Biocontrol, Classic' (2550), 'Invasive - Biocontrol, Livestock' (2560), 'Wild Horse and Burro Activities' (2600), 'Recreation Removal of hazard trees and snags - Area' (3132), 'Recreation Activity Enhancement' (3170), 'Visual Resources Protection & Improvement' (3315), 'Visual Enhancement' (3316), 'Visual Rehabilitation' (3317), 'Visual Resources Seeding/replanting' (3320), 'Visual Resource Slash treatment' (3380), 'Recreation Obliterate roads or trails' (3510), 'Soil Productivity Improvement' (5217), 'Watershed Resources Structural Improvement' (5400), 'Watershed Resource Structural Improvements Erosion Control' (5410), 'Watershed Resource Structural Improvements Riparian' (5420), 'Watershed Resource Structural Improvements Stream Channel' (5430), 'Watershed Resource Non-Structural Improvements Erosion Cont' (5510), 'Watershed Resource Non-Structural Improvements Riparian' (5520), 'Watershed Resource Non-Structural Improvements Stream Chann' (5530), 'Watershed Resource Non-Structural Improvements Maintenance' (5540), 'Watershed Resource Non-Structural Improvements Soil Productivity' (5550), 'Watershed Resource Road Obliteration - Area' (5621), 'Scarify and Seed Landings' (5633), 'Wildlife Habitat Activities' (6000), 'Wildlife Habitat Improvement' (6050), 'Wildlife Habitat Large woody debris placement' (6070), 'Wildlife Habitat Seeding and planting' (6080), 'Wildlife Habitat Grasses and forbs' (6090), 'Wildlife Habitat Non-Structural Improvement' (6100), 'Wildlife Habitat Prescribed fire' (6101), 'Wildlife Habitat Release and weeding' (6102), 'Wildlife Habitat Precommercial thinning' (6103), 'Wildlife Habitat Regeneration cut' (6104), 'Wildlife Habitat Intermediate cut' (6105), 'Wildlife Habitat Chemical treatment' (6106), 'Wildlife Habitat Mechanical treatment' (6107), 'Leave Trees (Wildlife Reasons) - Area' (6111), 'Leave Trees (Wildlife Reasons) - Each' (6112), 'Wildlife Habitat Access management (Closure Area)' (6120), 'Wildlife Habitat Create openings' (6130), 'Wildlife Habitat Rehabilitate openings' (6131), 'Wildlife Habitat Create corridors' (6132), 'Wildlife Habitat Slash treatment' (6133), 'Wildlife habitat structural maintenance' (6150), 'Wildlife habitat non-structural maintenance' (6160), 'Wildlife Habitat Structural Improvement' (6200), 'Wildlife Habitat Nest structures, dens development' (6210), 'Wildlife Habitat Snags created' (6213), 'Wildlife Habitat Protecting Snags' (6216), 'Wildlife Habitat Water development' (6220), 'Wildlife Habitat access management development' (6240), 'Wildlife Habitat Access Management - Road Obliteration' (6243), 'Wildlife Habitat Marsh development' (6250), 'T Protection' (6413), 'Sensitive Species Protection' (6423), 'T structural habitat improvement' (6440), 'T structural maintenance' (6441), 'T non-structural improvement' (6450), 'T non-structural maintenance' (6451), 'Anadromous Fish Structural Improvements' (6530), 'Anadromous Fish Log structures' (6531), 'Anadromous Fish Stream barrier removal' (6556), 'Anadromous Fish Control undesirable species - Area' (6559), 'Anadromous Fish Tree planting for fisheries habitat improve' (6567), 'Anadromous Fish Thinning for Fish Habitat Improvement' (6584), 'Inland Fisheries Habitat Improvement Activities' (6600), 'Inland Fish Structural Improvements' (6630), 'Inland Fish Log structures' (6631), 'Inland Fish Brush cover structures' (6633), 'Inland Fish Fishway construction' (6639), 'Inland Fish Structural removal' (6646), 'Inland Fish Aquatic plant control - Area' (6672), 'Inland Fish Tree planting for fisheries habitat improvement' (6676), 'Re-vegetation monitoring for germination / survival of seeds and/or plants' (7005), 'Site preparation for re-vegetation - prescribed fire' (7015), 'Seeding grasses, forbs and/or shrubs' (7030), 'Planting propagules and cuttings' (7031), 'Reseeding grasses, forbs and/or shrubs' (7033), 'Replanting propagules and cuttings' (7034), 'Natural regeneration - prescribed fire' (7050), 'Natural regeneration - soil preparation' (7051), 'Re-vegetation treatments - vegetation removal' (7065), 'Re-vegetation treatments - herbicides' (7067), 'Wildland seed collecting' (7075), 'Pollinator habitat improved, restored or maintained' (7100), 'Pollinator Gardens' (7109), 'Disease Control' (8100), 'Disease Prevention' (8120), 'Insect Control' (8200), 'Insect Prevention' (8220), 'Animal Control' (8300), 'Animal Prevention' (8320), 'Road Maintenance - Vegetation Reduction' (9008), 'Native Species Established' (9220), 'Right of Way Maintenance' (9400). More information on FACTS codes here:

Copyright Text: USDA Forest Service

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