Name: Snow-Water Equivalent: 2080s (% change from historical)
Display Field:
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: Estimated snow water equivalent (SWE), percent change from historic to future. This is just snowday fraction (percent of precipitation that comes in as snow) multiplied by precipitation, so it is an upper estimate of SWE because it doesn't account for melt, ablation, or redistribution.
Name: Snow-Water Equivalent: 2050s (% change from historical)
Display Field:
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: Estimated snow water equivalent (SWE), percent change from historic to future. This is just snowday fraction (percent of precipitation that comes in as snow) multiplied by precipitation, so it is an upper estimate of SWE because it doesn't account for melt, ablation, or redistribution.
Name: Snow-Water Equivalent: 2020s (% change from historical)
Display Field:
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: Estimated snow water equivalent (SWE), percent change from historic to future. This is just snowday fraction (percent of precipitation that comes in as snow) multiplied by precipitation, so it is an upper estimate of SWE because it doesn't account for melt, ablation, or redistribution.
Description: Estimated snow water equivalent (SWE), in mm. This is just snowday fraction (percent of precipitation that comes in as snow) multiplied by precipitation, so it is an upper estimate of SWE because it doesn't account for melt, ablation, or redistribution.
Name: Proportion of Precipitation Falling as Snow: 2050s
Display Field:
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: Snowpack precipitation fraction (sometimes called snowpack vulnerability), in percent. This is the ratio of October to March SWE to October to March precipitation.