FHTET has completed the 2013 - 2027 National Insect and Disease Risk Map (2012 NIDRM); a nationwide strategic assessment and database of the potential hazard for tree mortality due to major forest insects and diseases. The goal of NIDRM is to summarize landscape-level patterns of potential insect and disease activity, consistent with the philosophy that science-based, transparent methods should be used to allocate pest-management resources across geographic regions and individual pest distributions. In other words: prioritize investment for areas where both hazard is significant and effective treatment can be efficiently implemented. As part of this analysis, host tree species were mapped nationwide. This dataset was created by combining all of the tree species together into a single layer for Alaskan forests. This has a lower tree-per-acre definition than other tree layers, so it shows a broader area of forest cover (including shrublands dominated by willow and alder). |