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Service Description: See: participate and for more details, contact Michael Young; 406-396-1209)
Map Name: RMRSAWAE_SculpinDNASampleLocations_01
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Description: See: participate and for more details, contact Michael Young; 406-396-1209)
Copyright Text: The USDA Forest Service makes no warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, completeness or utility of these geospatial data, or for the improper or incorrect use of these geospatial data. These geospatial data and related maps or graphics are not legal documents and are not intended to be used as such. The data and maps may not be used to determine title, ownership, legal descriptions or boundaries, legal jurisdiction, or restrictions that may be in place on either public or private land. Natural hazards may or may not be depicted on the data and maps, and land users should exercise due caution. The data are dynamic and may change over time. The user is responsible to verify the limitations of the geospatial data and to use the data accordingly.
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -221.06504186951116
YMin: 29.47188768439935
XMax: -8.53339787455775
YMax: 116.92439679712223
Spatial Reference: 4326
Full Extent:
XMin: -162.9358399997162
YMin: 33.658700000404735
XMax: 174.77150000022493
YMax: 70.06901000021139
Spatial Reference: 4326
Units: esriDecimalDegrees
Document Info:
Title: Sculpin DNA Sample Locations
Comments: Fishes of the genus Cottus –the sculpins—have long been a challenge for fish managers and ichthyologists in the West. They share streams, rivers, and lakes with trout and salmon, and depend on the same kinds of habitats with relatively cold, clean water. But because the morphological differences between species are subtle and seemingly geographically variable, it has been a challenge to catalog the diversity of species in western North America. To resolve this problem, we sought your help to build a regional collection of sculpin tissues, and used genetic sequences, species delimitation algorithms, and geography to delineate the number and distribution of species.
These point locations indicate current contributions to the RMRS Water and Watersheds Program DNA Database. More information -
Subject: These points map the location of donations of sculpin tissues from our contributors across western North American.
Keywords: sculpin,DNA,database,cottus
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
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