This data layer, updated May 2022, reflects low-income community designations. Certain populations are especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. At least 35 percent of California Climate Investments must benefit these populations, which include disadvantaged communities, low-income communities, and low-income households, also known as "priority populations."--------Low-income communities and households are defined as the census tracts and households, respectively, that are either at or below 80 percent of the statewide median income, or at or below the threshold designated as low-income by the California Department of Housing and Community Development's (HCD) Revised 2021 State Income Limits (Low-income definitions per Assembly Bill (AB) 1550 (Gomez, Chapter 369, Statutes of 2016)).----------------This raster has been modified from the base 30m version in the following ways:-------- - It has been aggregated from a 30m to a 300m scale by averaging across the 30m values-------- - The normalized values are rescaled based on the full range of potential values, with -1 representing high values, and 1 representing low values. This interpretation reflects concerns for projects to benefit low-income populations, with areas of higher densities considered to benefit more from investments (lower values) than areas with limited or no low-income populations (higher values).----------------- Unit Of Measure: binary; 1 = No, 2 = Yes |