This dataset is derived from Version 5.4 of the Ecological Response Unit (ERU) layer. Fire groups were assigned to the ERU designations by the Regional Ecologist. Note that non-vegetation ERUs, such as sparsely vegetated, urban, human, and water did not get assigned a fire group and were assigned a value of “Not Analyzed”. A minimum mapping unit of 1,000 acres was desired so a grouping priority of fire groups for small polygons (<1,000 acres) was established by the Regional Ecologist. The polygons were dissolved by the initial fire group assignments to the ERUs. Then neighboring polygons for each polygon were analyzed. After the analysis, reassignment of a new fire group where it met a grouping priority, and redissolving, any remaining polygons less than 1,000 acres that were unable to be joined with a neighboring polygon were classified as “Not Analyzed”. Attributes were added for historic fire regime and flame length class. |