Planned Vegetation Treatments, FY2014-2016 (Points) (0)
| Hazardous Fuels Reduction Treatment |
| Other Vegetation Treatment |
Contracted and Completed Vegetation Treatments, FY2008-2013 (Points) (1)
| Hazardous Fuels Reduction Treatment |
| Other Vegetation Treatment |
Planned Vegetation Treatments, FY2014-2016 (Polygons) (2)
| Hazardous Fuels Reduction Treatment |
| Other Vegetation Treatment |
Contracted and Completed Vegetation Treatments, FY2008-2013 (Polygons) (3)
| Hazardous Fuels Reduction Treatment |
| Other Vegetation Treatment |
Spruce Beetle Affected Areas - 1996-2012 (4)
Mountain Pine Beetle Affected Areas - 1996-2012 (5)
Administrative Regions (6)
Administrative Forests (7)