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Service Description: National data on burn probability (BP) and conditional flame-length probability (FLP) were generated for the conterminous United States (CONUS), Alaska, and Hawaii using a geospatial Fire Simulation (FSim) system developed by the USDA Forest Service Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory. The FSim system includes modules for weather generation, wildfire occurrence, fire growth, and fire suppression. FSim is designed to simulate the occurrence and growth of wildfires under tens of thousands of hypothetical contemporary fire seasons in order to estimate the probability of a given area (i.e., pixel) burning under current landscape conditions and fire management practices. The data presented here represent modeled BP and FLPs for the United States (US) at a 270-meter grid spatial resolution. Flame-length probability is estimated for six standard Fire Intensity Levels. The six FLPs correspond to flame-length classes as follows: FLP1 = < 2 feet (ft); FLP2 = 2 < 4 ft.; FLP3 = 4 < 6 ft.; FLP4 = 6 < 8 ft.; FLP5 = 8 < 12 ft.; FLP6 = 12+ ft. Because they indicate conditional probabilities (i.e., representing the likelihood of burning at a certain intensity level, given that a fire occurs), the FLP data must be used in conjunction with the BP data for risk assessment.
Name: RDW_Wildfire/RMRS_ProbabilisticWildfireRisk_FLP6_CONUS
Description: National data on burn probability (BP) and conditional flame-length probability (FLP) were generated for the conterminous United States (CONUS), Alaska, and Hawaii using a geospatial Fire Simulation (FSim) system developed by the USDA Forest Service Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory. The FSim system includes modules for weather generation, wildfire occurrence, fire growth, and fire suppression. FSim is designed to simulate the occurrence and growth of wildfires under tens of thousands of hypothetical contemporary fire seasons in order to estimate the probability of a given area (i.e., pixel) burning under current landscape conditions and fire management practices. The data presented here represent modeled BP and FLPs for the United States (US) at a 270-meter grid spatial resolution. Flame-length probability is estimated for six standard Fire Intensity Levels. The six FLPs correspond to flame-length classes as follows: FLP1 = < 2 feet (ft); FLP2 = 2 < 4 ft.; FLP3 = 4 < 6 ft.; FLP4 = 6 < 8 ft.; FLP5 = 8 < 12 ft.; FLP6 = 12+ ft. Because they indicate conditional probabilities (i.e., representing the likelihood of burning at a certain intensity level, given that a fire occurs), the FLP data must be used in conjunction with the BP data for risk assessment.
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Copyright Text: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory This contact information was current as original publication date. For current information see Contact Us page on:
Service Data Type: esriImageServiceDataTypeThematic
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Max Values: 100
Mean Values: 1.9655134897625
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Description: Supports all ArcGIS Raster Datasets
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Raster Attribute Table
Key Properties
Raster Function Infos
Supported Operations:
Export Image
Compute Histograms
Compute Statistics Histograms
Get Samples
Compute Class Statistics
Query Boundary
Compute Pixel Location
Compute Angles