FIADB-API v2.1.3 - View Report

Estimate Parameters

Numerator attribute number and description: 0048 Aboveground carbon in live seedlings, shrubs, and bushes, in short tons, on forest land

FIADEF as the forest land definition


Maine 232021

Row variable: Forest type group (based on values from the Current inventory).

Column variable: Site productivity class (based on values from the Current inventory).

Note: '-' indicates no value for data tables. If utilizing a screen reader, it is recommended to adjust verbosity for punctuation in screen reader settings.


Site productivity class
Forest type group Total 120-164 85-119 50-84 20-49 0-19
Total 11,339,747 1,003,382 4,410,461 4,039,649 1,779,737 106,519
White / red / jack pine group 778,880 52,916 318,991 329,247 75,233 2,493
Spruce / fir group 3,234,404 369,536 1,537,101 1,121,817 113,343 92,607
Loblolly / shortleaf pine group 5,428 - 5,428 - - -
Exotic softwoods group 18,734 2,951 12,151 3,632 - -
Oak / pine group 310,438 20,031 123,014 143,472 23,921 -
Oak / hickory group 304,519 9,250 55,871 208,964 30,433 -
Elm / ash / cottonwood group 283,601 5,048 59,348 115,224 93,984 9,997
Maple / beech / birch group 4,868,874 405,807 1,704,447 1,614,537 1,144,084 -
Aspen / birch group 1,427,808 133,573 542,287 471,260 280,687 -
Other hardwoods group 87,127 4,270 44,252 21,856 15,326 1,423
Nonstocked 19,935 - 7,571 9,639 2,725 -

Sampling error percent (Confidence level 68%):

Note: for 95% confidence level multiply SE pct by 1.96

Site productivity class
Forest type group Total 120-164 85-119 50-84 20-49 0-19
Total 0.511 5.818 2.319 2.476 4.391 18.924
White / red / jack pine group 6.224 24.606 10.210 9.916 21.443 102.103
Spruce / fir group 2.373 8.778 3.978 4.820 15.502 20.532
Loblolly / shortleaf pine group 111.296 - 111.296 - - -
Exotic softwoods group 40.941 98.415 50.988 95.956 - -
Oak / pine group 12.032 43.772 19.842 17.737 45.563 -
Oak / hickory group 10.535 62.442 25.481 13.016 35.114 -
Elm / ash / cottonwood group 10.873 73.444 23.862 17.855 18.922 62.396
Maple / beech / birch group 2.151 9.568 4.402 4.535 5.624 -
Aspen / birch group 5.317 18.354 8.897 9.630 12.472 -
Other hardwoods group 20.820 100.380 30.013 40.891 48.140 100.000
Nonstocked 33.481 - 56.974 48.646 73.190 -

Number of non-zero plots:

Note: total number of plots in selected evaluations=3518

Site productivity class
Forest type group Total 120-164 85-119 50-84 20-49 0-19
Total 3143 291 1,255 1,164 492 32
White / red / jack pine group 269 20 105 117 27 1
Spruce / fir group 1127 135 550 406 49 27
Loblolly / shortleaf pine group 1 - 1 - - -
Exotic softwoods group 6 1 4 1 - -
Oak / pine group 78 6 27 39 6 -
Oak / hickory group 92 3 18 62 9 -
Elm / ash / cottonwood group 92 2 20 34 33 3
Maple / beech / birch group 1348 117 472 449 310 -
Aspen / birch group 357 33 139 115 73 -
Other hardwoods group 28 1 13 8 5 1
Nonstocked 11 - 4 5 2 -


Numerator Estimate Description

Carbon in understory aboveground. Carbon (tons per acre) in the aboveground portions of seedlings and shrubs. Estimated from models based on geographic area, forest type, and (except for nonstocked and pinyon-juniper stands) live tree carbon density (Smith and Health 2008). This modeled attribute is a component of the EPA's Greenhouse Gas Inventory and is not a direct sum of Phase 2 or Phase 3 measurements.
Forest land: Land at least 10-percent canopy cover by trees of any size, including land that formerly had such tree cover and that will be naturally or artificially regenerated. Forest land includes transition zones, such as areas between heavily forested and nonforested lands that are at least 10-percent canopy cover with trees and forest areas adjacent to urban and builtup lands. Also included are pinyon-juniper and chaparral areas in the West and afforested areas. The minimum area for classification of forest land is 1 acre and 120 feet wide measured stem-to-stem from the outer-most edge. Unimproved roads and trails, streams, and clearings in forest areas are classified as forest if less than 120 feet wide.
Smith, J.E.; Heath, L.S. 2008. Forest sections of the land use change and forestry chapter, and Annex. In: US Environmental Protection Agency, Inventory of US Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2006. EPA 430-R-08-005. (17 October)

Forest Land Definition

FIA Forest land: Forest land has at least 10 percent canopy cover of trees of any size, or has had at least 10-percent canopy cover of trees in the past, based on the presence of stumps, snags, or other evidence, and that will be naturally or artificially regenerated. Additionally, the land is not subject to nonforest use(s) that prevent normal tree regeneration and succession, such as regular mowing, intensive grazing, or recreation activities. Forest land includes transition zones, such as areas between heavily forested and nonforested lands that are at least 10-percent canopy cover with trees and forest areas adjacent to urban and built-up lands. Also included are pinyon-juniper and chaparral areas in the West and afforested areas. The minimum area for classification of forest land is 1 acre in size and 120 feet wide measured stem-to-stem from the outer-most edge. Unimproved roads and trails, streams, and clearings in forest areas are classified as forest if less than 120 feet wide. This is the domestic reporting definition which is different from the definition used in international reporting (which includes a minimum tree canopy height criteria).

Row classification variable description

Row variable=Forest-type: A classification of forest land based on the species presently forming a plurality of the live-tree stocking. If softwoods predominate (50 percent or more), then the forest-type will be one of the softwood types and vice versa for hardwoods. Forest type is primarily derived using a computer algorithm, except when less than 25 percent of the plot samples a particular forest condition.
Usually, FORTYPCD equals FORTYPCDCALC. In certain situations, however, the result from the algorithm (FORTYPCDCALC) is overridden by the field call. The field-recorded forest type code (FLDTYPCD) is stored in this attribute when less than 25 percent of the plot samples the forested condition (CONDPROP_UNADJ <0.25).
In most cases, FORTYPCD is the same as the field-recorded forest type (FLDTYPCD). However, situations of under sampling may cause this attribute to differ from FLDTYPCD.
Nonstocked forest land is land that currently has less than 10 percent stocking but formerly met the definition of forest land. Forest conditions meeting this definition have few, if any, trees sampled. In these instances, the algorithm cannot assign a specific forest type and the resulting forest type code is 999, meaning nonstocked. Forest type groups are formed from combining forest types into groups:

Forest type group codeForest type group name
100White / red / jack pine group
120Spruce / fir group
140Longleaf / slash pine group
150Tropical softwoods group
160Loblolly / shortleaf pine group
170Other eastern softwoods group
180Pinyon / juniper group
200Douglas-fir group
220Ponderosa pine group
240Western white pine group
260Fir / spruc e / mountain hemlock group
280Lodgepole pine group
300Hemlock / Sitka spruce group
320Western larch group
340Redwood group
360Other western softwoods group
370California mixed conifer group
380Exotic softwoods group
390Other softwoods group
400Oak / pine group
500Oak / hickory group
600Oak / gum / cypress group
700Elm / ash / cottonwood group
800Maple / beech / birch group
900Asp en / birch group
910Alder / maple group
920Western oak group
940Tanoak / laurel group
950retired (Other western hardwoods group)
960Other hardwoods group
970Woodland hardwoods group
980Tropical hardwoods group
990Exotic hardwoods group

Column classification variable description

Column variable=Site productivity class is a classification of forest land in terms of inherent capacity to grow crops of industrial wood. Identifies the potential growth in cubic feet/acre/year and is based on the culmination of mean annual increment of fully stocked natural stands. For data stored in the database that were processed outside of NIMS, this variable may be assigned based on the site productivity determined with the site trees, or from some other source, but the actual source of the site productivity class code is not known. For data processed with NIMS, this variable may either be assigned based on the site trees available for the plot, or, if no valid site trees are available, this variable is set equal to SITECLCDEST, a default value that is either an estimated or predicted site productivity class. If SITECLCDEST is used to populate SITECLCD, the variable SITECL_METHOD is set to 6.

1225+ cubic feet/acre/year
2165-224 cubic feet/acre/year
3120-164 cubic feet/acre/year
485-119 cubic feet/acre/year
550-84 cubic feet/acre/year
620-49 cubic feet/acre/year
70-19 cubic feet/acre/year

DB Version:


Useful Link(s): (links open in new window)

FIADB Update History (Filtered by selected states)

FIADB Update History

Description for PRC variables

Description of temporal basis

Sampling design/estimation method: post-stratification, as described in:

Bechtold, W.A.; Patterson, P.L., eds. 2005. The Enhanced Forest Inventory and Analysis Program - National Sampling Design and Estimation Procedures. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS - 80. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 85 p.

Web citation

USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis Program, Wed, 09 Oct 2024 09:01:59 GMT. Forest Inventory EVALIDator web-application Version 2.1.2. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. [Available only on internet:]

SQL Script

This SQL script can be used to derive estimates from the FIA Oracle Data Base (FIADB)
SELECT GRP1, GRP2, sum(ESTIMATED_VALUE * EXPNS) ESTIMATE FROM (SELECT pop_stratum.estn_unit_cn, STRATACN, plot_cn, plot.prev_plt_cn, cond_cn,, plot.lon, pop_stratum.expns EXPNS, '`' || LPAD(CASE WHEN REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.FORTYGPCD IS NULL THEN 9999 ELSE REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.FORTYGPCD END, 4, '0') || ' ' || case when REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.MEANING is null then 'Nonstocked' else REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.MEANING end GRP1, case coalesce(cond.siteclcd,-1) when 1 then '`0001 225+' when 2 then '`0002 165-224' when 3 then '`0003 120-164' when 4 then '`0004 85-119' when 5 then '`0005 50-84' when 6 then '`0006 20-49' when 7 then '`0007 0-19' when -1 then '`0008 Not available' else '`0009 Other' end GRP2, SUM(COND.CONDPROP_UNADJ * COND.CARBON_UNDERSTORY_AG * CASE COND.PROP_BASIS WHEN 'MACR' THEN POP_STRATUM.ADJ_FACTOR_MACR ELSE POP_STRATUM.ADJ_FACTOR_SUBP END) AS ESTIMATED_VALUE FROM FS_FIADB.POP_STRATUM POP_STRATUM JOIN FS_FIADB.POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN ON (POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN.STRATUM_CN = POP_STRATUM.CN) JOIN FS_FIADB.PLOT ON (POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN.PLT_CN = PLOT.CN) JOIN FS_FIADB.PLOTGEOM ON (PLOT.CN = PLOTGEOM.CN) JOIN FS_FIADB.COND ON (COND.PLT_CN = PLOT.CN) left join (SELECT REF_FOREST_TYPE.VALUE FORTYPC, REF_FOREST_TYPE_GROUP.VALUE FORTYGPCD, REF_FOREST_TYPE_GROUP.MEANING FROM FS_FIADB.REF_FOREST_TYPE REF_FOREST_TYPE JOIN FS_FIADB.REF_FOREST_TYPE_GROUP REF_FOREST_TYPE_GROUP ON (REF_FOREST_TYPE.TYPGRPCD = REF_FOREST_TYPE_GROUP.VALUE)) REF_FORTYGPCDSQ ON (REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.FORTYPC = COND.fortypcd)WHERE COND.COND_STATUS_CD = 1 AND COND.CONDPROP_UNADJ IS NOT NULL AND COND.CARBON_UNDERSTORY_AG IS NOT NULL AND ((pop_stratum.rscd=24 and pop_stratum.evalid=232101)) GROUP BY pop_stratum.estn_unit_cn,,, plot.prev_plt_cn,,, plot.lon, pop_stratum.expns , REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.FORTYGPCD, case when REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.MEANING is null then 'Nonstocked' else REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.MEANING end , case coalesce(cond.siteclcd,-1) when 1 then '`0001 225+' when 2 then '`0002 165-224' when 3 then '`0003 120-164' when 4 then '`0004 85-119' when 5 then '`0005 50-84' when 6 then '`0006 20-49' when 7 then '`0007 0-19' when -1 then '`0008 Not available' else '`0009 Other' end ) GROUP BY GRP1, GRP2 ORDER BY GRP1, GRP2
This SQL script can be used to derive estimates from a FIA SQLite Data Base (FIADB)
Double click element to load Clipboard
SELECT GRP1, GRP2, sum(ESTIMATED_VALUE * EXPNS) ESTIMATE FROM (SELECT pop_stratum.estn_unit_cn, STRATACN, plot_cn, plot.prev_plt_cn, cond_cn,, plot.lon, pop_stratum.expns EXPNS, '`' || LPAD(CASE WHEN REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.FORTYGPCD IS NULL THEN 9999 ELSE REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.FORTYGPCD END, 4, '0') || ' ' || case when REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.MEANING is null then 'Nonstocked' else REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.MEANING end GRP1, case coalesce(cond.siteclcd,-1) when 1 then '`0001 225+' when 2 then '`0002 165-224' when 3 then '`0003 120-164' when 4 then '`0004 85-119' when 5 then '`0005 50-84' when 6 then '`0006 20-49' when 7 then '`0007 0-19' when -1 then '`0008 Not available' else '`0009 Other' end GRP2, SUM(COND.CONDPROP_UNADJ * COND.CARBON_UNDERSTORY_AG * CASE COND.PROP_BASIS WHEN 'MACR' THEN POP_STRATUM.ADJ_FACTOR_MACR ELSE POP_STRATUM.ADJ_FACTOR_SUBP END) AS ESTIMATED_VALUE FROM POP_STRATUM POP_STRATUM JOIN POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN ON (POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN.STRATUM_CN = POP_STRATUM.CN) JOIN PLOT ON (POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN.PLT_CN = PLOT.CN) JOIN PLOTGEOM ON (PLOT.CN = PLOTGEOM.CN) JOIN COND ON (COND.PLT_CN = PLOT.CN) left join (SELECT REF_FOREST_TYPE.VALUE FORTYPC, REF_FOREST_TYPE_GROUP.VALUE FORTYGPCD, REF_FOREST_TYPE_GROUP.MEANING FROM REF_FOREST_TYPE REF_FOREST_TYPE JOIN REF_FOREST_TYPE_GROUP REF_FOREST_TYPE_GROUP ON (REF_FOREST_TYPE.TYPGRPCD = REF_FOREST_TYPE_GROUP.VALUE)) REF_FORTYGPCDSQ ON (REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.FORTYPC = COND.fortypcd)WHERE COND.COND_STATUS_CD = 1 AND COND.CONDPROP_UNADJ IS NOT NULL AND COND.CARBON_UNDERSTORY_AG IS NOT NULL AND ((pop_stratum.rscd=24 and pop_stratum.evalid=232101)) GROUP BY pop_stratum.estn_unit_cn,,, plot.prev_plt_cn,,, plot.lon, pop_stratum.expns , REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.FORTYGPCD, case when REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.MEANING is null then 'Nonstocked' else REF_FORTYGPCDSQ.MEANING end , case coalesce(cond.siteclcd,-1) when 1 then '`0001 225+' when 2 then '`0002 165-224' when 3 then '`0003 120-164' when 4 then '`0004 85-119' when 5 then '`0005 50-84' when 6 then '`0006 20-49' when 7 then '`0007 0-19' when -1 then '`0008 Not available' else '`0009 Other' end ) GROUP BY GRP1, GRP2 ORDER BY GRP1, GRP2

Start time Wed, 09 Oct 2024 09:01:59 GMT

End time Wed, 09 Oct 2024 09:02:01 GMT