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snippet: This feature dataset was developed with the intention of keeping TEUI program managers, natural resource officers, and other forest-level supervisors updated on the status of various TEUI ecological units currently extant in the EDW on a national, regional, and individual forest scale.
summary: This feature dataset was developed with the intention of keeping TEUI program managers, natural resource officers, and other forest-level supervisors updated on the status of various TEUI ecological units currently extant in the EDW on a national, regional, and individual forest scale.
extent: [[-150.00792811,18.03374359],[-65.69967,61.51899025]]
accessInformation: US Forest Service Enterprise Map Services Program
thumbnail: thumbnail/{CDDFA0E6-BEB6-45AC-B572-ACF768250333}.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: A public map service displaying the extent of existing Terrestrial Ecological Unit inventory (TEUI) data to facilitate inter-agency collaboration. The feature class for this dataset will display polygons of the ecological unit plots, acreages, and percent coverages of National Forest and Grassland administrative boundaries using their common names, with a percent coverage for Land Type and acres of forest per plot. TEUI Status Metadata
title: EDW_TerrestrialEcologicalUnitsStatus_01
type: Map Service
tags: ["Land Type","Terrestrial Ecological Unit Inventory","Geology","Soil","TEUI","Status","Vegetation","Geomorphology","United States"]
culture: en-US
name: EDW_TerrestrialEcologicalUnitsStatus_01
guid: 45CDD008-C2F7-4C51-A578-6FC6485A47A0
spatialReference: GCS_North_American_1983