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snippet: These data describe the administrative area boundaries for Research Stations in the U.S. Forest Service's Research & Development organization. The purpose of these data is to provide display, identification, and analysis tools for determining current boundary information for Forest Service employees and the public. Data is visible at all scales and zoom levels.
summary: These data describe the administrative area boundaries for Research Stations in the U.S. Forest Service's Research & Development organization. The purpose of these data is to provide display, identification, and analysis tools for determining current boundary information for Forest Service employees and the public. Data is visible at all scales and zoom levels.
extent: [[-179.220562,17.92691803],[-65.58960151,71.410652]]
accessInformation: US Forest Service Enterprise Map Services Program
thumbnail: thumbnail/{DD16D5BE-D923-46E1-9067-99B8E53FFE4A}.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: A map service on the www that depicts the location of Research and Development's offices across the United States in addition to the generalized spatial representation of the administrative boundaries of the US Forest Service Research and Development Stations. These territories consist of a collection of states' geographic areas, within which all research and development facilities and lands are managed by a station headquarters. To display more detailed administrative boundaries for larger scale reference and analysis, the non-generalized ResearchStationBoundaries feature class should be used.
title: EDW_ResearchStations_01
type: Map Service
tags: ["USDA Forest Service","Research and Development","Research Station","Northern Research Station","Southern Research Station","Pacific Northwest Research Station","Pacific Southwest Research Station","Rocky Mountain Research Station","headquarters","administrative boundary","Research and Development Taxonomy","National Resource Management and Use"]
culture: en-US
name: EDW_ResearchStations_01
guid: B7952BF1-E85E-4CD2-9ECA-A3AE7328EDBB
spatialReference: GCS_North_American_1983