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EDW/EDW_IRR_01 (MapServer)

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Service Description: A map service on the www depicting activities funded through the Integrated Resource Restoration (IRR) NFRR Budget Line Item and reported through the U.S. Forest Service FACTS database. Activities funded through the IRR initiative include areas treated to sustain or restore watershed function; forestlands treated using timber sales; forestland vegetation improved, forest land vegetation established, rangeland vegetation improved by treatment for noxious weeds or invasive plants; and hazardous fuels treated outside the wildland/urban interface to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildland fire. It is important to note that this map service does not contain all activities funded through NFRR because the spatial portion of the activity description is not required and is self-reported by Forest Service units. <a href=''>Metadata</a>

Map Name: EDW_IRR_01


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Layers: Description: A map service on the www depicting activities funded through the Integrated Resource Restoration (IRR) NFRR Budget Line Item and reported through the U.S. Forest Service FACTS database. Activities funded through the IRR initiative include areas treated to sustain or restore watershed function; forestlands treated using timber sales; forestland vegetation improved, forest land vegetation established, rangeland vegetation improved by treatment for noxious weeds or invasive plants; and hazardous fuels treated outside the wildland/urban interface to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildland fire. It is important to note that this map service does not contain all activities funded through NFRR because the spatial portion of the activity description is not required and is self-reported by Forest Service units. Metadata

Copyright Text: US Forest Service Enterprise Map Services Program

Spatial Reference: 4269  (4269)  LatestVCSWkid(0)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriDecimalDegrees


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 5000000

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

Supported Operations:   Export Map   Identify   QueryLegends   QueryDomains   Find   Return Updates   Generate KML