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snippet: Data displays at scales larger than 1:5,000,000. Data is organized into two groups: Activity by fiscal year and activity by type. Each activity is displayed as either point, line, or polgyon, depending on how the Forest Service unit reported the activity.
summary: Data displays at scales larger than 1:5,000,000. Data is organized into two groups: Activity by fiscal year and activity by type. Each activity is displayed as either point, line, or polgyon, depending on how the Forest Service unit reported the activity.
extent: [[-135.214155563,3.96310999974503E-4],[-70.822028173,58.049574502]]
accessInformation: U.S. Forest Service Natural Resource Manager (NRM) Forest Activity Tracking System (FACTS)
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["ArcGIS","ArcGIS Server","Data","Map Service","Service"]
description: A map service on the www depicting the locations of activities within the Stewardship Contracting Project Boundary. Activities are implemented through stewardship contracts or agreements and are self-reported by Forest Service Units through the FACTS database. Stewardship End Result Contracting helps achieve land management goals while meeting local and rural community needs, including contributing to the sustainability of rural communities and providing a continuing source of local income and employment. It focuses on the "end result" ecosystem benefits and outcomes, rather than on what's removed from the land. The USDA Forest Service and the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) received authority to implement stewardship contracting and agreements in Section 347 Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of FY 1999, as amended by Sec. 323 of P.L. 108-7, 2003. As spatial data is a new requirement for the program, we hope to improve the quality and comprehensiveness of this data in coming years. The map service uses a File Geodatabase data source with Web Mercator projection. <a href=''>Stewardship Contracting Metadata</a>
title: EDW_StewardshipContracting_01
type: Map Service
tags: ["Stewardship Contracting","Recovery","Activities","Resiliency","Safety","environment"]
culture: en-US
name: EDW_StewardshipContracting_01
guid: 778839BB-E09A-48E9-8B13-9399C1E757EB
minScale: 0
spatialReference: GCS_North_American_1983