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snippet: The Healthy Forest Restoration Act feature class depicts National Forest System (NFS) Lands within 37 States designated under section 602 and 603 of the Healthy Forest Restoration Act. Designated areas were selected based on a set of eligibility criteria regarding forest health and do not include any areas coinciding with Wilderness and Wilderness Study Areas. The data is comprised of selected HUC-6 units or other areas of similar size and scope clipped to Proclaimed National Forest System lands. Non-Forest Service land ownership areas (inholdings) are also removed. In some cases, entire National Forests were designated. Some state designations' methodologies may differ from the national standard. Please note that this data is current as of the last refresh date, and changes to designated areas will be republished and archived on a weekly basis. Therefore, the most current layer along with previous years' data are available, and the user should ensure that they understand which layer is being accessed. Previous years' data will have a date stamp in the file name, while the most current layer will not. Further, the attribute, "Latest_Revision_Date" contains the date of the most recent designation layer for each state.
summary: The Healthy Forest Restoration Act feature class depicts National Forest System (NFS) Lands within 37 States designated under section 602 and 603 of the Healthy Forest Restoration Act. Designated areas were selected based on a set of eligibility criteria regarding forest health and do not include any areas coinciding with Wilderness and Wilderness Study Areas. The data is comprised of selected HUC-6 units or other areas of similar size and scope clipped to Proclaimed National Forest System lands. Non-Forest Service land ownership areas (inholdings) are also removed. In some cases, entire National Forests were designated. Some state designations' methodologies may differ from the national standard. Please note that this data is current as of the last refresh date, and changes to designated areas will be republished and archived on a weekly basis. Therefore, the most current layer along with previous years' data are available, and the user should ensure that they understand which layer is being accessed. Previous years' data will have a date stamp in the file name, while the most current layer will not. Further, the attribute, "Latest_Revision_Date" contains the date of the most recent designation layer for each state.
extent: [[-150.00767131,28.9781004],[-71.00223078,60.68686601]]
accessInformation: US Forest Service Enterprise Map Services Program
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["ArcGIS","ArcGIS Server","Data","Map Service","Service"]
description: A map service on the www depicting areas designated within National Forest System Lands, in 37 States, that are eligible for insect and disease treatments under section 602 and 603 of the Healthy Forest Restoration Act. <a href=''>Metadata</a>
title: EDW_HealthyForestRestorationAct_01
type: Map Service
tags: ["Designations","Healthy Forest Restoration Act","Section 602 and 603","Farm Bill","National Forest System Lands","Insect and Disease","environment"]
culture: en-US
name: EDW_HealthyForestRestorationAct_01
guid: FAF912DF-BF46-4BEA-953A-48D61E74B67A
minScale: 0
spatialReference: GCS_North_American_1983