Decayed Wood Advisor

For Structural Condition: Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees
For Habitat: Westside Lowland Conifer-Hardwood Forest OR Coast, Westside Lowland Conifer-Hardwood Forest OR W Cascades, Westside Lowland Conifer-Hardwood Forest WA Coast, Westside Lowland Conifer-Hardwood Forest WA W Cascades

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Literature and Studies for Snags

Here are further details on the data for the selected species and citation. Blank cells mean that no information was given. See Literature Cited for the full reference of the citation listed here.

Species Code: PIWO Species Name: Pileated woodpecker
Decay Class:   Stand Age Or Structure: closed canopy forests incl. pole, young, mature & old.
Geographic Area: Olympic Peninsula Comments: densities of dead-top live trees surrounding nests (n=24) and roosts (n=154) higher than at random sites (n=209; mean 0.75 trees/ha, range 0-15, SD 2.0); plot size 0.4 ha; Selection data - significant variable in logistic regression logistic model contained other variables. Data not incorporated into analysis because all live trees w/ dead tops
Citation: Aubry and Raley 2002 Structural Detail (Specific Structure): unmanaged late-successional - 47%; second-growth <35 yrs old - 20%; recent clearcuts -13%; 75 yr old blowdown stands w/remnants - 11%; hardwoods or non-forest -9%
Specified Name in Citation:   Habitat Type Details(Specifics):  
Snag/Partially Dead tree level: mean (SD; range) 7.5 (7.25; 0-45) trees/ ha Snag/Tree DBH: minimum measured 20 cm
Snag/Tree Height: minimum included was 7.5 m Snag/Tree Species: