Decayed Wood Advisor

For Structural Condition: Larger Trees, Small/medium Trees
For Habitat: Westside Lowland Conifer-Hardwood Forest OR Coast, Westside Lowland Conifer-Hardwood Forest OR W Cascades, Westside Lowland Conifer-Hardwood Forest WA Coast, Westside Lowland Conifer-Hardwood Forest WA W Cascades

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Literature and Studies for Downwood

Here are further details on the data for the selected species and citation. Blank cells mean that no information was given. See Literature Cited for the full reference of the citation listed here.

Species Code: SMMA Species Name: Small mammals
Decay Class: all classes Stand Age Or Structure: managed, natually young and old-growth
Geographic Area: Olympic Peninsula Comments: "Our empirical data suggest that 15-20% cover of coarse woody debris on the forest floor, well distributed across the site, would be adequate for most small mammals, wheras 5-10% cover would not allow the mammals to reach their potential abundances."
Citation: Carey and Johnson 1995 Structural Detail (Specific Structure):  
Specified Name in Citation: small mammals Habitat Type Details(Specifics):  
Down wood Level: recommended 15-20 percent cover Down wood Diameter: measured >10cm
Down wood Length:   Down wood Species: