Decayed Wood Advisor

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List of wildlife species associated with duff, Eastside Mixed Conifer Forest, Larger Trees. Derived from the Species-Habitat Project database of O'Neil et al. (2001).

This list, taken from the wildlife-habitat relations database (cited above), includes all wildlife species (and may also include species groups) that use the specified wood decay element for this vegetation condition. The list likely includes species not shown on the cumulative species curves of field data, because this is more of a maximum species list.

Species Code Common Name Scientific Name
COMO Coast Mole Scapanus orarius
CRVO Creeping Vole Microtus oregoni
LTSA Long-toed Salamander Ambystoma macrodactylum
  Masked Shrew Sorex cinereus
NFSQ Northern Flying Squirrel Glaucomys sabrinus
NWSA Northwestern Salamander Ambystoma gracile
PWSH Pacific Water Shrew Sorex bendirii
  Rubber Boa Charina bottae
SHMO Shrew-mole Neurotrichus gibbsii
TRSH Trowbridge's Shrew Sorex trowbridgii
WRBV Western Red-backed Vole Clethrionomys californicus