Appendix B – Population Adjustment

Because places overlap with county subdivisions and counties, it is necessary to adjust populations to prevent the double counting of people when reporting accomplishments for the UCF Program. The population adjustments for county subdivisions and counties are outlined below:

County Subdivisions

The formula used to adjust the population of county subdivisions is as follows:



CSDA is the adjusted county subdivision population,

CSDT is the total county subdivision population, and

PS is the sum of the population of selected places that lie within the county subdivision.


The formula used to adjust the population of counties is as follows:

CA = CT – PI - PSU


CA is the adjusted county population,

CT is the total county population from the 2000 Census, and

PI is the sum of the population of incorporated places that lie within the county (i.e. not LSADC equal to 55 or not LSADC equal to 57 or not LSADC equal to 62).

PSUis the sum of the population of selected unincorporated places that lie within the county (i.e. LSADC equal to 55 or LSADC equal to 57 or LSADC equal to 62).