{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This raster image service is an estimate of the proportion of vegetation biomass that is herbaceous in southern California. It was created using a multinomial model using a variety of covariates, including the median NDVI and median live biomass (2001-2020) and FIA plot data and time since fire (TSF). TSF was set at 32 as this is the median TSF value for all the FIA plots used in the model.The model creates 5 individual proportion estimates of shrub life history types, and tree and herb components:Shrub life history types: Facultative seeders, seeders, resproutersPlant types: Tree, herb. ", "description": "This raster image service is an estimate of the proportion of vegetation biomass that is herbaceous in southern California. It was created using a multinomial model using a variety of covariates, including the median NDVI and median live biomass (2001-2020) and FIA plot data and time since fire (TSF). TSF was set at 32 as this is the median TSF value for all the FIA plots used in the model.The model creates 5 individual proportion estimates of shrub life history types, and tree and herb components:Shrub life history types: Facultative seeders, seeders, resproutersPlant types: Tree, herb. ", "summary": "This raster image service is an estimate of the proportion of vegetation biomass that is herbaceous in southern California. It was created using a multinomial model using a variety of covariates, including the median NDVI and median live biomass (2001-2020) and FIA plot data and time since fire (TSF). TSF was set at 32 as this is the median TSF value for all the FIA plots used in the model.The model creates 5 individual proportion estimates of shrub life history types, and tree and herb components:Shrub life history types: Facultative seeders, seeders, resproutersPlant types: Tree, herb. ", "title": "", "tags": [], "type": "Image Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Image Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "" }