{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "R04_Alerts_And_Closures_01", "guid": "8A39886C-60F5-4A6C-896F-BF855A031729", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "A map service showing Forest Orders in the Intermountain Region US Forest Service.", "description": "
A Forest Order is a polygon that represents the area of a prohibition. A prohibition that is a line or point feature, such as a road closed to motor vehicle use, will be represented by a buffer of the line or point feature to create a polygon. The forest order feature class contains existing and/or future forest orders on National Forest System lands in the Intermountain Region (Region 4). This dataset is in development and may not represent all prohibition. The Alerts & Notices link at https://www.fs.usda/gov/r4 as well as the individual forest sites should be examine for the most current information.<\/p>
Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter II, Subpart B, may close an area to entry or may restrict the use of an area by applying any or all of the prohibitions authorized by the code of regulations. These prohibitions, usually referred to as a forest order, are required to be displayed in [a] manner as to reasonably bring the prohibition to the attention of the public.<\/p>
Official documentation on this code and its subparts can be found here<\/a>.<\/p> In order to maintain consistency across the region, a workflow has been adopted to facilitate the generation of forest order data. Each forest will maintain a forest order feature class. Through FME workbench, a regional forest order feature class will be updated daily from the forests feature classes via FME scheduler. The regional feature class is driven by the dates in the forests feature classes, which allows for collection of forest orders.<\/p>