{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "r03_ERU_FireGroups_01", "guid": "C1FE950B-5A96-4D47-81B9-1741D9415799", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Fire groups are a vegetation classification based upon vegetation types and their fire regime.", "description": "Fire groups are categories based upon vegetation types and their fire regime. This dataset is derived from Version 5.4 of the Ecological Response Unit (ERU) layer. Fire groups were assigned to the ERU designations during the 2017 and 2023 regional wildfire risk assessments (Nicolet 2017, Gannon et al. 2023). The polygons were dissolved by the fire group assignments to the ERUs. A minimum mapping unit of 1,000 acres (400 ha) is required by some protocols (USDA Forest Service 2017) and was then applied following the dissolve to exclude small polygons (<1,000 acres). Over 86% of the region is represented by large polygons that exceed the minimum map unit threshold. Attributes were added for historic fire regime and flame length class. Note that non-vegetation ERUs such as sparsely vegetated, urban/developed, agriculture, and water did not get assigned a fire group and were included with small polygons (< 1,000) into a general category of ?Not Included (< 1,000 ac)?.Gannon, B., F. Fay Dearing, W. Downing, and S. Dailey. 2023. Southwestern Region quantitative wildfire risk assessment. USDA Forest Service technical report available online . Enterprise Program, Washington Office, Washington DC. 50 pp.Nicolet, T. 2017. Southwestern wildfire risk assessment ? 2017 regional wildfire risk assessment results. USDA Forest Service technical report on file. R3 Fuels and Fire Ecology, Southwestern Region, Albuquerque, NM, USA. 41 pp.USDA Forest Service. 2017. Abbreviated technical guide to the Terrestrial Condition Assessment. Washington Office, Washington DC. 30 pp.", "summary": "Fire groups are a vegetation classification based upon vegetation types and their fire regime.", "title": "r03_ERU_FireGroups_01", "tags": [ "ERU", "Fire Group", "Historic fire regime", "Forest Service", "Arizona", "New Mexico" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "ArcGIS", "ArcGIS Server", "Data", "Map Service", "Service" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -115.183537508955, 31.1445989133273 ], [ -102.762157655949, 37.1432260609078 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "North_America_Lambert_Conformal_Conic", "accessInformation": "The USDA Forest Service makes no warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, completeness or utility of these geospatial data, or for the improper or incorrect use of these geospatial data. These geospatial data and related maps or graphics are not legal documents and are not intended to be used as such. The data and maps may not be used to determine title, ownership, legal descriptions or boundaries, legal jurisdiction, or restrictions that may be in place on either public or private land. Natural hazards may or may not be depicted on the data and maps, and land users should exercise due caution. The data are dynamic and may change over time. The user is responsible to verify the limitations of the geospatial data and to use the data accordingly.", "licenseInfo": "" }