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"Millennium Legacy Trail (New Jersey): Highlands Trail" }, { "name": "Millennium Legacy Trail (New Mexico): El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro (The Royal Road of the Interior)", "code": "Millennium Legacy Trail (New Mexico): El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro (The Royal Road of the Interior)" }, { "name": "Millennium Legacy Trail (North Carolina): Blue Ridge Heritage Trail ", "code": "Millennium Legacy Trail (North Carolina): Blue Ridge Heritage Trail " }, { "name": "Millennium Legacy Trail (North Dakota): Bismarck/Mandan Missouri Valley Trail", "code": "Millennium Legacy Trail (North Dakota): Bismarck/Mandan Missouri Valley Trail" }, { "name": "Millennium Legacy Trail (Ohio): The Buckeye Trail", "code": "Millennium Legacy Trail (Ohio): The Buckeye Trail" }, { "name": "Millennium Legacy Trail (Oklahoma): Standing Bear Native American Memorial Park & Trail", "code": "Millennium Legacy Trail (Oklahoma): Standing Bear Native American Memorial Park & Trail" }, { "name": "Millennium Legacy 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