{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Wildfire Suppression Difficulty Index (SDI) 97th Percentile is a rating of relative difficulty in performing fire control work under regionally appropriate fuel moisture and 20 mph uphill winds (@ 20 ft); SDI factors in topography, fuels, expected fire behavior under prevailing conditions, fireline production rates in various fuel types with and without heavy equipment, and access via roads, trails, or cross-country travel. SDI does not account for standing snags or other overhead hazards to firefighters, so it is not a firefighter hazard map. It is only showing in relative terms where it is harder or easier to perform suppression work.", "description": "Wildfire Suppression Difficulty Index (SDI) 97th Percentile is a rating of relative difficulty in performing fire control work under regionally appropriate fuel moisture and 20 mph uphill winds (@ 20 ft); SDI factors in topography, fuels, expected fire behavior under prevailing conditions, fireline production rates in various fuel types with and without heavy equipment, and access via roads, trails, or cross-country travel. SDI does not account for standing snags or other overhead hazards to firefighters, so it is not a firefighter hazard map. It is only showing in relative terms where it is harder or easier to perform suppression work.", "summary": "Wildfire Suppression Difficulty Index (SDI) 97th Percentile is a rating of relative difficulty in performing fire control work under regionally appropriate fuel moisture and 20 mph uphill winds (@ 20 ft); SDI factors in topography, fuels, expected fire behavior under prevailing conditions, fireline production rates in various fuel types with and without heavy equipment, and access via roads, trails, or cross-country travel. SDI does not account for standing snags or other overhead hazards to firefighters, so it is not a firefighter hazard map. It is only showing in relative terms where it is harder or easier to perform suppression work.", "title": "", "tags": [], "type": "Image Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Image Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "", "url": "https://ntcfsxopsx2145.usda.net:6443/arcgis/services/RDW_Wildfire/RMRS_Wildfire_Suppression_Difficulty_Index_97thPercentile/ImageServer", "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "" }