{ "currentVersion": 11.3, "serviceDescription": "This raster dataset depicts rangelands in the coterminous U.S., including transitional rangelands and small patch-size rangelands. Each 30 meter pixel is assigned a land cover category, including Rangeland, Afforested Rangeland (experiencing encroachment by trees [> 25% tree cover]) and Transitional Rangeland (currently dominated by herbs or shrubs that will likely become forested without management intervention). The dataset can be downloaded from the following website: https://data.fs.usda.gov/geodata/rastergateway/rangelands/index.php", "name": "RDW_LandscapeAndWildlife/Extent_of_US_Rangelands", "description": "This raster dataset depicts rangelands in the coterminous U.S., including transitional rangelands and small patch-size rangelands. 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