The FIADB-API and EVALIDator web applications were designed to simplify the generation of population estimates and their associated sampling errors from data in the Forest Inventory and Analysis database (FIADB)


The fullreport endpoint is the primary FIA Phase 2 estimate access point for FIADB-API.
Parameters selected in the EVALIDator interface are submitted to fullreport which then returns the relevant estimates

NOTE! BOLDED parameters indicate they are required. All others are optional

Parameter descriptions
lat FOR CIRCULAR ESTIMATES ONLY - Otherwise not required
The latitude in decimal degrees for a circular estimate centroid
lon FOR CIRCULAR ESTIMATES ONLY - Otherwise not required
The longitude in decimal degrees for a circular estimate centroid
radius FOR CIRCULAR ESTIMATES ONLY - Otherwise not required
The radius in miles for a circular estimate
wc Evaluation group code(s) for inventory(ies) of interest.
Typically consists of the state FIPS code concatenated with the 4 digit inventory year.
e.g. 102020 would indicate the Delaware 2020 inventory.
Valid values can be found in the "EVALID" column here:
snum The estimate attribute number or description of interest.
Used as the numerator for ratio estimates.
Users can use values either from the numeric "ATTRIBUTE_NBR", or the text "ATTRIBUTE_DESCR" found here:
rselected Row estimate grouping definition, translates to rows in traditional EVALIDator table format.
Valid values can be found in the "LABEL_VAR" column here:
cselected Column estimate grouping definition, translates to columns in traditional EVALIDator table format.
Valid values can be found in the "LABEL_VAR" column here:
pselected Page estimate grouping definition, translates to pages in traditional EVALIDator table format.
Valid values can be found in the "LABEL_VAR" column here:
rtime Row grouping temporal basis
Temporal basis for row grouping definition.
Only used in area change, growth, removals, and mortality estimates as these are based on plot-revisits.
Allows users to base groupings on relevant status either from the first or from the second plot visit.
Valid options are:
CURRENT (default)
ctime Column grouping temporal basis
Temporal basis for row grouping definition.
Only used in area change, growth, removals, and mortality estimates as these are based on plot-revisits.
Allows users to base groupings on relevant status either from the first or from the second plot visit.
Valid options are:
CURRENT (default)
ptime Page grouping temporal basis
Temporal basis for row grouping definition.
Only used in area change, growth, removals, and mortality estimates as these are based on plot-revisits.
Allows users to base groupings on relevant status either from the first or from the second plot visit.
Valid options are:
CURRENT (default)
sdenom The ratio denominator estimate attribute number or description of interest.
Users can use values either from the numeric "ATTRIBUTE_NBR", or the text "ATTRIBUTE_DESCR" found here:
strFilter SQL filter string with or without leading 'and'. E.g. "COND.OWNCD = 40" or "AND TREE.CCLCD in (1,2,3)"
wf SQL filter applied to non-ratio estimates - deprecated in favor of 'strFilter' but maintained for back-compatibility
wnum SQL filter applied to ratio estimate numerators only
wnumdenom SQL filter applied to ratio estimate numerators and denominators - deprecated in favor of 'strFilter' but maintained for back-compatibility
estOnly A value of Y returns only the grouped estimates without totals or subtotals.
Note the behavior of this parameter has changed from the previous version of the API. Error estimates are now reported for all estimates.
FIAorRPA Select between FIA or RPA definition of forest land.
Valid options are:
FIADEF (default)
More information on the RPA definition can be found here
outputFormat Desired output format for estimate returns.
Valid options are:
HTML - legacy EVALIDator page/row/column cross-tabulated format - this is the default
NHTML - flat table of estimate values
JSON - legacy EVALIDator page/row/column JSON
NJSON - flat formatted JSON estimate values with metadata
XML - legacy EVALIDator page/row/column XML format
NXML - flat formatted XML estimate values with metadata

/fullreport/parameters/<fullreport parameter name>

Adding a fullreport parameter name to the end of this endpoint will bring up a dictionary containing valid values and context for each classed parameter used in the fullreport endpoint

/fullreport use examples

import requests
import pandas as pd

# this function will accept a FIADB-API fullreport URL and return dataframes for the estimates as well as subtotals, and totals where available.
def fiadb_api_GET(url):
    # make request
    resp = requests.get(url)
    # parse response to json
    data = resp.json()

    # create output dictionary and populate it with estimate data frames
    outDict = {}
    # append estimates
    outDict['estimates'] = pd.DataFrame(data['estimates'])

    # append subtotals and totals if present
    if 'subtotals' in data.keys():
        subT = {}
        for i in data['subtotals'].keys():
            subT[i] = pd.DataFrame(data['subtotals'][i])
        outDict['subtotals'] = subT
        outDict['totals'] = pd.DataFrame(data['totals'])

    # append metadata
    outDict['metadata'] = data['metadata']
    return outDict

# example of usage
url = ""
getData = fiadb_api_GET(url=url)

# estimate data frame

# list of subtotal data frames

# totals data frame

# list all estimate metadata elements

# access metadata elements

import requests
import pandas as pd

# this function will accept a FIADB-API fullreport URL and return dataframes for the estimates as well as subtotals, and totals where available.
def fiadb_api_POST(parameterDictionary):
    # make request
    resp ="",data=parameterDictionary)
    # parse response to json
    data = resp.json()

    # create output dictionary and populate it with estimate data frames
    outDict = {}
    # append estimates
    outDict['estimates'] = pd.DataFrame(data['estimates'])

    # append subtotals and totals if present
    if 'subtotals' in data.keys():
        subT = {}
        for i in data['subtotals'].keys():
            subT[i] = pd.DataFrame(data['subtotals'][i])
        outDict['subtotals'] = subT
        outDict['totals'] = pd.DataFrame(data['totals'])

    # append metadata
    outDict['metadata'] = data['metadata']
    return outDict

# example of usage
requestParameters = {snum:2, wc:102020, rselected:'County code and name', cselected:'Land Use - Major', outputFormat:'NJSON')
getData = fiadb_api_POST(parameterDictionary=requestParameters)

# estimate data frame

# list of subtotal data frames

# totals data frame

# list all estimate metadata elements

# access metadata elements

library(httr)  #Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP

# this function will help format retrieved estimates into a more readable data frame
format_estimate = function(respList) {

  return(, respList)))


# this function will accept a FIADB-API fullreport URL and return dataframes for the estimates as well as subtotals, and totals where available.
fiadb_api_GET = function(url){

  # make request
  resp <- httr::GET(url=url)
  # parse response from JSON to R list
  respObj <- httr::content(resp, "parsed", encoding = "ISO-8859-1")

  # create empty output list
  outputList = list()

  # add estimates data frame to output list
  if (! is.null(respObj$estimates)) {
      outputList$estimates <- format_estimate(respObj$estimates)
  } else  {
      print("Problem with URL or API. No estimate returned.")

  #Use lapply to break apart subtotal list, then call sapply to format with names
  if (! is.null(respObj$subtotals))
        outputList$subtotals <- sapply(lapply(respObj$subtotals, "["),
                                       format_estimate, simplify = F, USE.NAMES = T)

  # totals data frame
  if (! is.null(respObj$totals))
    outputList$totals <- format_estimate(respObj$totals)

  # add estimate metadata, doesn't need to be reformatted
  if (! is.null(respObj$metadata)) outputList$metadata <- respObj$metadata


# example of usage
url <- ""
getData <- fiadb_api_GET(url=url)

# estimate data frame

# list of subtotal data frames

# totals data frame

# list of estimate metadata elements

# access SQL used the generate estimates

library(httr) #Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP # this function will help format retrieved estimates into a more readable data frame format_estimate = function(respList) { return(, respList))) } # this function will accept a FIADB-API fullreport URL+arguments and return a data frame with estimates and metadata fiadb_api_POST <- function(postURL, argList) { # make request resp <- httr::POST(url = postURL, body = argList, encode = "form") # parse response from JSON to R list respObj <- httr::content(resp, "parsed", encoding = "ISO-8859-1") # create empty output list outputList <- list() # add estimates data frame to output list if (!is.null(respObj$estimates)) { outputList$estimates <- format_estimate(respObj$estimates) } else { print("Problem with URL or API. No estimate returned.") return(list()) } #Use lapply to break apart subtotal list, then call sapply to format with names if (!is.null(respObj$subtotals)) outputList$subtotals <- sapply(lapply(respObj$subtotals, "["), format_estimate, simplify = F, USE.NAMES = T) # totals data frame if (!is.null(respObj$totals)) outputList$totals <- format_estimate(respObj$totals) # add estimate metadata, doesn't need to be reformatted if (!is.null(respObj$metadata)) outputList$metadata <- respObj$metadata return(outputList) } # example of usage # create a list of parameter values postURL <- "" argList = list(snum = 2, wc = 102020, rselected = 'County code and name', cselected = 'Land Use - Major', outputFormat = 'NJSON') # submit list to POST request function postData = fiadb_api_POST(postURL, argList) # estimate data frame postData$estimates # subtotals data frame(s) postData$subtotals # totals data frame postData$totals # list of estimate metadata elements postData$metadata names(postData$metadata)

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