Available biomass:
Available biomass is the
plant biomass that is available to the herbivore (deer or moose) at the time of
the analysis. In summer, it is the total
standing crop of current year’s growth of a given species of plant. In winter, the available biomass for a given
species can be greatly reduced from its summer value by seasonal loss of
above-ground tissue (deciduous species) and by burial by snow. Black-tailed deer are not known to paw
through snow in search of forage; thus food resources buried by snow are
unavailable to deer. Other food
resources (e.g., lichens in trees, twigs of very tall shrubs) might be out of
reach because they are too high for deer to reach. However, after a snowpack has firmed up,
especially with a frozen crust, black-tailed deer are able to walk freely on
top of the snowpack. Moose are known to
“walk down” tall shrubs to reach high portions.
The “availability” of any forage is something that the user must
consider when inputting the “available” plant biomass into the analysis.